In today's fast-paced, often cut-throat business environment, ethics is, maybe, not the first thing that comes to mind. If you turn on the news, you see examples of people in power abusing that power, and countless others suffering because of it
Understanding your addictions and being able to give a firm 'no' is essential to maintaining your ethics. You may feel forced to do things at work that don't sit well in your gut, and learning to speak up for yourself is important.
The political climate worldwide is ever-changing. The business community must continually adapt to new laws and new leaders. This change can leave many people feeling bitter and unhappy, especially if they didn't vote for it or aren't able to vote in the first place.
Suddenly, armchair patriots (on either side of the issues) come out of the woodwork. They protest on forums; they protest on social media. Everyone spends all their time thinking up snide comments to post to Internet strangers. Sure, words can have power. But action speaks louder than any Facebook post.
As people band together around the world to protest issues in their communities, you should remember that actions are the real deal. If you claim to have certain values and a sense of integrity, you have to act like it. Just saying that you do isn't enough.
It isn't enough to have values. You have to demonstrate those values. Having a high ethical standard means having the self-awareness to understand if society is judging you correctly and if you are leading the principles that you feel are right.
Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics.
Jane Addams
It is profoundly important that management promotes an ethical environment. Your employees are your most valuable asset, so to be part of a greater organisation, you need to ensure that your staff's needs and values are well-defined and acknowledged.
Ethics is one of the 4 pillars under the competency of Performance in the
Ethics means re-examining team values and how they are supported or hindered. But no medical machine can measure a person's values or how much imagination a person has within them.
Only you can look deep into yourself and determine the answer. Then you have to decide if you talk the talk or walk the walk.