Business Woman Media: How to keep your mind/body/brain in balance for success

by Press Room on 25 November 2018


Everyone seems to constantly look for balance in their lives. It’s almost as if we walk a tightrope, and we sometimes desperately fight to stay on while stressors constantly pummel us. For women, the tightrope is often even narrower and less forgiving. Keeping the mind/body/brain bala …

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Business Woman Media: Letting go of perfectionism to increase your effectiveness

by Press Room on 10 November 2018


In leadership, perfection can sometimes be both positive and negative. Reaping the benefits of your labor and feeling that warm glow of success is exhilarating. But, when perfection requires an exactness that is often not possible in business, it becomes an anchor, pulling down the sk …

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Learning To Not Be A ‘Yes’ Person

by Silvia Damiano on 6 November 2018

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When someone asks to pass the salt, it’s common courtesy to pass the salt. But what if someone asks you to type a report (that isn’t your responsibility), or to walk their dog (on your break), or to stay a little late to finish up (when you are salary & not hourly)? Do you automat …

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Yahoo Lifestyle: What Losing Just ONE Hour Of Sleep Can Do To Your Body

by Press Room on 7 October 2018

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If you’re feeling a little sluggish this morning you’re probably not alone. Thanks to daylight savings we all lost an hour of sleep this weekend as the clocks jumped forward.

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3 Ways To Integrate Your Body And Mind

by Silvia Damiano on 4 October 2018

3-Ways-To-Integrate-Your-Body-And-Mind- About my Brain Institute

Focusing on physical health is easier for many because it yields tangible results. You can look at the scale, look in the mirror, or check your mile log on your step counter. Mental & emotional health are more difficult to outwardly see, which is one reason why these areas can be …

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The Pink Elephant In The Room - Differences Between Male And Female Leaders

by Silvia Damiano on 20 September 2018

The-Pink-Elephant-In-The-Room---Differences-Between-Male-And-Female-Leaders- About my Brain Institute

Men and women think differently, which means they also lead differently. Women are typically underrepresented in top political and business positions, but this is rapidly changing. Understanding how the brain works will strengthen and shape the leaders of the future, and embracing the …

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Who Is The Taskmaster - You Or Your Addictions?

by Silvia Damiano on 16 August 2018

Who-Is-The-Taskmaster---You-Or-Your-Addictions- About my Brain Institute

For many, addictions are taboo, and they aren’t spoken about. Alcoholism, drug abuse, eating disorders, gambling, working too much. All of these can negatively impact a person’s life and affect their ability to lead. Addictions can even alter someone’s ethical convictions. Facing an a …

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Sleep to Lead — Improving Cognitive Function And Performance

by Silvia Damiano on 31 July 2018

Sleep to Lead — Improving Cognitive Function And Performance - About my Brain Institute

Sleep. For so many, it’s an elusive dream. With the constant demands for more and more coming from every direction, people may compensate by taking less time for sleep. But this sleep-deprived state isn’t good for anyone and likely contributes to short and long-term health risks.

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We Are Finally Applying Science To Make Feedback Work!

by Lettie Dalton on 26 July 2018

We-Are-Finally-Applying-Science-To-Make-Feedback-Work! - About my Brain Institute

Over the last decade, I have taken an interest in the field of neuroscience and its development and findings. I completely agree that there is a lot that we know about the brain and about leadership that is not currently being used or put into practice, particularly in the workplace. …

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4 Tips To Improve Performance In Your Personal & Professional Life

by Silvia Damiano on 19 July 2018

4-Tips-to-Improve-Performance-in-Your-Personal-and-Professional-Life - About my Brain Institute

The very notion of performance can have multiple meanings. Performing in the corporate sense is certainly important, but flourishing mentally and physically allows for optimal leadership while also increasing general wellbeing. The daily grind is called a grind for a reason, and even …

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Understanding The Value Of A Leadership Journey

by Silvia Damiano on 12 June 2018

Understanding-The-Value-Of-A-Leadership-Journey - About my Brain Institute

Play hard and work hard. This is the view that many people feel is relevant to their lives, but this kind of attitude brings up a false sense of the challenges they face in the world. Instead of frantically rushing from one point to another, effective leaders should slow down, watch, …

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Learning To Celebrate Good Times In Leadership

by Silvia Damiano on 31 May 2018

Learning-To-Celebrate-Good-Times-In-Leadership - About my Brain Institute

Long hours, long days, and even long nights. Sometimes the job demands hard work that never seems to end. All this hard work hopefully pays off, and the task is complete. But then what? Taking the time to celebrate a job well done is important to ensure continued high performance and …

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