Confidence is the Secret Ingredient for Improved Performance

by Silvia Damiano on 8 September 2022

Confidence is the Secret Ingredient for Improved Performance - About my Brain Institute

Even in the best of times, some of us have doubts about our abilities and performance. We feel anxiety and even fear when we think about doing certain things at work, like giving a speech or preparing a report with a quick deadline.

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3 Ways To Promote A Positive Inner Voice

by Silvia Damiano on 23 July 2019

3 Ways To Promote A Positive Inner Voice - About my Brain Institute

Most of us are quick to recognise our flaws. We see all the things that are wrong, or lacking, or not good enough. This negativity has a major impact on our mental health. Isn’t it time to practise positive self-talk?

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4 Ways To Increase Your Mental Readiness

by Silvia Damiano on 18 June 2019

4 Ways To Increase Your Mental Readiness- About my Brain Institute

When world-class athletes or performers prepare for an event, it is easy for an outsider to see the physical preparations. Athletes are on the track constantly, musicians are practising non-stop, and dancers are twirling and working their bodies to ready themselves for a performance. …

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Positive People Help You Increase Your Performance

by Silvia Damiano on 16 April 2019

Positive-People-Help-You-Increase-Your-Performance - About my Brain Institute

Life has a funny way of connecting human beings. It could be chance encounters at a coffee shop, camaraderie in a computer game, or an interaction at a convention. We meet all types of people in our daily lives, but some people aren’t good people to spend time with. How can we mingle …

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Learning To Celebrate Good Times In Leadership

by Silvia Damiano on 31 May 2018

Learning-To-Celebrate-Good-Times-In-Leadership - About my Brain Institute

Long hours, long days, and even long nights. Sometimes the job demands hard work that never seems to end. All this hard work hopefully pays off, and the task is complete. But then what? Taking the time to celebrate a job well done is important to ensure continued high performance and …

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Free Your Mind And Let Go Of Your Anxiety

by Silvia Damiano on 10 May 2018

Free-Your-Mind-And-Let-Go-Of-Your-Anxiety - About my Brain Institute

The immense pressures of modern living have increased anxiety levels for many. Human beings have always had to deal with a great deal of stress, from worrying about where the next meal would be, to finding shelter and avoiding predators, to today’s problems, like paying bills and mana …

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Your Cell Phone Could Be Killing Your Sleep Habits

by Silvia Damiano on 22 March 2018

Your-Cell-Phone-Could-Be-Killing-Your-Sleep-Habits - About my Brain Institute

It’s difficult for many to remember a time when hand-held devices like tablets, cell phones, or e-readers weren’t readily available. Depending on the generation, some younger people may NEVER recall that time because, for them, it never existed. But these devices can form an addiction …

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Mental Readiness Means Getting Your Game Ready

by Silvia Damiano on 16 November 2017


Do you feel like your 'A-game' is always ready? Or do you feel overwhelmed and underprepared? Mental readiness is about preparing your mind for any situation, at work or in your personal life. It's important to manage your anxiety and give your brain a chance to reset. Analyse your fa …

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Mental Readiness – Time To Get Our Brains Ready To Perform

by Mark Hodgson on 21 November 2016


Most of us give little thought to mentally preparing ourselves to perform at work. Driven by unquestioned processes and rituals (e.g. meetings), we rush unthinkingly from one task to the next.

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