Brain-Friendly Leaders Bring People Back To The Office

by Press Room on 22 May 2023

Brain-friendly leaders bring people back to the office About my Brain Institute Silvia Damiano HR Daily

Getting employees to return to the workplace takes more than inviting them back to socialise, and leaders could benefit from tapping into some basic skills they might have 'forgotten', a neurocoach says. Before the pandemic hit, leaders would strive to be "energetic and inspirational" …

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Employees “Sold A Myth” About Busyness: Scientist

by Press Room on 1 March 2023

Employees “Sold A Myth” About Busyness: Scientist - Silvia Damiano

A simple activity that's been “ignored in the pursuit of high productivity” for many years could hold the key to better performance at work, a neurocoach says.

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Featured In ‘The 100% Human At Work’ Virgin Unite Initiative & Awarded Finalist in AITD’s Best Leadership Programs

by Press Room on 10 September 2019


A couple of years ago, Virgin Unite (the “entrepreneurial foundation” of Richard Branson’s Virgin Group) launched the ‘100% Human at Work Initiative’ because they believe the time has come for business to start thinking of people as human beings and not as resources.

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Money Magazine: When You Experience 3000% Inflation, Panic Strikes!

by Press Room on 11 January 2019


Our Founder & CEO, Silvia Damiano is interviewed by Money Magazine.

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My Business: Female Entrepreneurship Fund ‘Money Well Spent’

by Press Room on 21 December 2018


“Amazing” is how one prominent businesswoman has described the government’s new Future Female Entrepreneurs fund, suggesting that Australia has a lot of catching up to do globally.

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The Today Show: Do Women Apologise Too Much?

by Press Room on 10 December 2018


Our Founder & CEO, Silvia Damiano explores why women say sorry more than men in The Today Show.

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Smart Company: Six Tips To Redefine Your Leadership Style

by Press Room on 26 November 2018


Leadership plays a critical role in nearly all aspects of social, political and business endeavours. No matter how large or small the organisation, poor leadership can result in repercussions that span years, and even decades.

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Business Woman Media: How to keep your mind/body/brain in balance for success

by Press Room on 25 November 2018


Everyone seems to constantly look for balance in their lives. It’s almost as if we walk a tightrope, and we sometimes desperately fight to stay on while stressors constantly pummel us. For women, the tightrope is often even narrower and less forgiving. Keeping the mind/body/brain bala …

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Business Woman Media: Rewiring Your Brain For Confidence

by Press Room on 18 November 2018


The idea of change can bring up a myriad of emotions. Sometimes, it feels great to venture out on an undiscovered trail or to accept a new position halfway around the world. But other times, we fear making changes and resist, even to our own detriment.

Read Story Saying Sorry Won’t Help Women Break The Glass Ceiling

by Press Room on 15 November 2018


There is one word women say too often and it’s hindering their ability to break the glass ceiling. Founder of the About My Brain Institute and neuroleadership expert Silvia Damiano has worked in across a variety of global industries, helping teams and organisations improve business pe …

Read Story Are Leaders Born Or Made?

by Press Room on 10 November 2018


For some, leadership seems to come naturally, whereas for many others, leadership seems unattainable and daunting. According to Deloitte Trends Report, 56% of companies believe that they are not ready to meet their leadership needs in the future.

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Business Woman Media: Letting go of perfectionism to increase your effectiveness

by Press Room on 10 November 2018


In leadership, perfection can sometimes be both positive and negative. Reaping the benefits of your labor and feeling that warm glow of success is exhilarating. But, when perfection requires an exactness that is often not possible in business, it becomes an anchor, pulling down the sk …

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