The Heart Of Co-Creation

by Kaushik Ram on 4 April 2017


What are our hopes, dreams, visions and intentions? Perhaps more generically, what are our thoughts and where do they come form? Our thought forms can take the shape of daydreaming, imagination or visualization.

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The Value Of Studying The Life Of Creatives

by The About my Brain Institute on 24 October 2016


When you think of imagination or creativity, you may automatically think of artists, poets, authors and composers. In today's world, imagination is typically paired with artistic endeavours but not scientific thinking. However, many of the great scientific minds of the past, including …

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Triggering Innovation & The Permission To Imagine

by Silvia Damiano on 5 September 2016


Many leaders and even people, in general, believe that imagination is not valuable enough to consider or support when it comes to usual daily activities such as problem-solving. But did you know that ‘imagination’ is something we can all cultivate? In fact - it is a brain process that …

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i4 Tales At Vivid Ideas 2016: The Neuroscience Of Creative Thinking

by Silvia Damiano on 17 March 2016

In a world where ideas and people’s thinking is what’s adding value to the economy, demystifying creativity and understanding what happens in the brain when we daydream, imagine new things or experience ‘eureka’ moments has become more important than ever.

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The Sales Person Is Dead. Long Live The Sales Leader

by Ian Lowe on 7 January 2016


“Houston we have a problem!” is a quote made famous by Tom Hanks in his portrayal of Astronaut James Lovell in the 1995 movie Apollo 13 after their spacecraft experiences massive damage ending their mission to the Moon and putting the lives of the three astronauts on board in great je …

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A Leadership Model According To Neuroscience

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 5 May 2015

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In the former Convent of Boadilla - Spain, we have been working with Silvia Damiano’s i4 Model, on Leadership and Team Development.

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Proving The Impossible, Possible

by The About my Brain Institute on 29 April 2015

For many, the nine-to-five work-life reality, mixed with after hours activities, can leave us feeling rather stale in terms of having an exciting routine - but who said routines are good for us anyway?

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Imagination, The Precursor Of Creative Thinking

by Silvia Damiano on 12 February 2015


Who would have imagined that one day, knowing how to tap into people’s ideas would not only be valuable for the economy but also important in the development of leaders?

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The Poetry Of Leadership

by Silvia Damiano on 29 January 2015


No matter what corner of the globe we live; when we hear songs such as “No woman, No cry” by Jamaican reggae singer Bob Marley or the acclaimed song by U2 "Beautiful day", our brains seem to experience some kind of bliss and we feel content.

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Does The Leader Of Today Need To Think Like A Designer?

by Silvia Damiano on 20 January 2015


In the past few years, design thinking has percolated throughout the world and embraced by many professionals who want to improve the way they think and solve problems.

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Joining The Web Summit: Where The Tech World Meets

by Silvia Damiano on 3 November 2014

As days go by, we are getting more excited about our trip, a huge gathering of tech and business people that has now earned the title of “the best technology conference on the planet.”

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What Dreams Are Made Of: Unleashing The Power Of Imagination In Leadership

by The About my Brain Institute on 16 October 2014

Leadership once used to be all about performance-related analytical hard skills, but in an environment where everybody can access the same knowledge, things like imagination, intuition and empathy are taking on an increasingly important role.

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