Curiosity - The Key To Your Future Success

by Mark Hodgson on 11 August 2016


One of the emerging ‘hot topics’ is the increasing awareness that computers and artificial intelligence are going to transform our world more rapidly and profoundly than we thought possible.

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Boosting Performance Through Better Brain & Body Integration

by Silvia Damiano on 28 July 2016


We are living in extraordinary times. Every day, we hear about new scientific discoveries, technological developments and business ideas that we’d not considered possible even a decade ago. The more we understand the biology of this complex organ, the more we can understand why we do …

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Generosity - Why It Is Good For Your Bottom Line

by Mark Hodgson on 15 July 2016

Generosity - Why It Is Good For Your Bottom Line

When people learn to think beyond themselves and are able to develop a generous approach towards those around them, a sense of collective energy is generated. This translates into the willingness to contribute to the ‘cause’, whatever this might be.

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A New Leadership Model For The VUCA World

by Mark Hodgson on 1 June 2016


Einstein is famous for his saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Yet some of the smartest people in our businesses do exactly this. When it comes to leadership training, we have learnt very little. For the m …

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Preparing Ourselves For High Performance

by Mark Hodgson on 19 May 2016


Performance is probably the most common word in the business lexicon. We have performance indicators, performance management, business performance, personal performance and of course high performance. Performance is at the heart of what we strive to achieve as leaders – for ourselves …

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Putting Agility At The Heart Of Everything

by Mark Hodgson on 4 May 2016


When we talk about ‘Command and Control’ leadership models, we often use examples derived from the military. We envisage a small number of Generals defining objectives, creating strategies and then handing down unquestioned orders through the ‘chain of command’ to mobilise thousands o …

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Re-thinking What Winning Looks Like By Mastering Collaboration

by Mark Hodgson on 11 March 2016


Collaboration is one of those bingo buzz-words that gets tossed around organisations like confetti. It implies ‘teamwork’ and that ‘we’re all in it together’... Which of course is how it should be – it is just rarely true.

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Building Leaders For The Imagination Age: The Case For The i4 Neuroleader Model

by Katharine McLennan on 12 January 2016


Over the last few months, I have had the opportunity to speak to both my 30-year reunion of high school and my 20-year reunion of my Stanford MBA class. Both occasions gave me cause to reflect on how much the world has changed since 1985 and 1995, respectively.

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Mastering Innovation

by Mark Hodgson on 10 January 2016


Most of us have now had direct exposure to the impact of the VUCA age. No longer just an interesting theory, the impact of increased Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity is seen in heightened competition, lost jobs, new ways of working (contract and remote) and greater le …

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The Four Pillars You Need To Build A Collaborative Enterprise

by Silvia Damiano on 8 December 2015


Collaboration is something we all strive for because it is essential to better business outcomes. An aligned team that is working in harmony is always going to produce better work than what one person can achieve alone. So if we know collaboration works, surely it should be intrinsic …

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The Changing Face Of Leadership In The 21st Century - Where YOU Become The Superhero

by Clare Edwards on 19 August 2015


We are living in exciting times, where traditional leadership models are being tossed on their heads, where leadership is becoming democratised and it emerges as the responsibility of all, not just the privileged few.

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Live In Your Potential

by The About my Brain Institute on 5 August 2015


Recently we hosted a Google hangout with the wonderful Katharine McLennan, who called in all the way from North Carolina, USA to discuss with us the challenges, triumphs and opportunities facing the world of leadership today, and ultimately the relevance she finds in the accessibility …

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