Using The i4 Neuroleader Model To Lead The Way For A New Generation

by Merche Del Valle on 8 May 2018

Using-The-i4-Neuroleader-Model-To-Lead-The-Way-For-A-New-Generation - About my Brain Institute

“The i4 Neuroleader Model & Methodology incorporates neuroscience and leadership in a way that promotes whole-body wellness, from the top down. A balanced brain can work to its full potential, in an innovative, creative, and inspiring manner. Understanding why people behave how th …

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Learning To Balance - The Key To Productivity & Innovation

by Ron Swartch on 24 April 2018

Learning-To-Balance---The-Key-To-Productivity-&-Innovation - About my Brain Institute

Integrating neuroscience and leadership can produce the kinds of leaders that are needed in the collaborative, fast-paced business world of today. While many models and options are available, finding one that incorporates science and focuses on the whole person is key. The and will he …

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A Holistic And Creative Leadership Model For A VUCA World

by Johan Barton on 17 April 2018

A-Holistic-And-Creative-Leadership-Model-For-A-VUCA-World - About my Brain Institute

It’s inevitable that most people experience some kind of burnout from working. But a leadership model that provides science-based learning in an easy to understand format can help people recover from such exhaustion. The i4 Neuroleader Model delivers an authentic, relevant skill set f …

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Are Engagement Surveys Enough To Drive Collaboration?

by Silvia Damiano on 14 November 2017


For several years now, companies have invested heavily in ‘annual engagement surveys’ for their staff members. This has been the ‘make it or break it’ moment for many managers. The unspoken question remains, however. Is this measure enough for people to develop their collaboration ski …

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Coaching Is Dead. Long Live Neurocoaching!

by Silvia Damiano on 7 November 2017

Coaching Is Dead. Long Live Neurocoaching!

Is it realistic to expect an Olympic athlete to excel without a great coach? Why is it realistic, then, to expect people and teams to be high-performing without a coach? Many businesses are looking to automation to increase profit, but the reality is that A.I. cannot readily replace t …

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Drive - The Key To Making Innovation Work

by Mark Hodgson on 24 October 2017


Drive refers to having the strength and perseverance to pursue the action required to attain a desired goal. It’s the energy that makes everything else happen and its absence leaves a lot of disparate parts – ideas, people, resources - that never quite come together.

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Communication – The Essence Connection

by Mark Hodgson on 31 August 2017


Communication is one of those elemental things, like breathing or water that’s so essential to our existence that we often take it for granted. This means it is often taken as a given. Yet anyone who has spent any time in an organisation or as part of a team will have experienced very …

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Fixed Mindset: Or I Always Knew There Was Something In That Confirmation Bias!

by Ruth Donde on 1 August 2017


Are we creating our own ‘fake news’ as much as others are creating this for us? Are we getting in our own way confirming our comfortable status quo and creating a false sense of security or are we seeking to challenge our perspectives and position and be more receptive and agile - a l …

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Balance – The Secret Recipe For High Performance

by Mark Hodgson on 18 July 2017


We have noticed that many successful executives, working in high-performing and growing businesses are showing a genuine interest in their staff’s wellbeing because they understand that this is an indicator of productivity. However, approximately 70%+ are still struggling to establish …

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Awareness – The Key To Knowing What’s Really Going On?

by Mark Hodgson on 4 July 2017


In a world of open-plan workspaces, headphones and café meetings where everyone is ‘heads down’ in their device, it’s easy for our awareness levels to drop. Learning to pay attention, observe and understand the impact of our reactions, strengths and weaknesses, can significantly influ …

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Imagination – The Key To Unlocking Our Future Leaders Success And Happiness

by Mark Hodgson on 20 June 2017


We now live in the ‘Imagination Age’. In response to this, our leaders must evolve. They must become ‘neuroleaders’. These are people who complement conventional leadership capabilities by leading also with the brain in mind.

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Life Awaits Beyond The Void

by Lisa Gorman on 23 May 2017


Death is not a pretty thing, right? There’s the physical side of death that can be really distressing; for both the person dying and the ones watching over them.

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