How Your Memory Can Make Or Break Your Performance

By Silvia Damiano on 22 February 2023

How Your Memory Can Make Or Break Your Performance

Effective leaders are more efficient with a healthy brain, including the structures which handle memory. Recalling information quickly is essential when making decisions on the fly. By improving overall physical and mental health, leaders can increase performance with improved memory. …

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The Importance of ‘Daydreaming’

By Relmi Damiano on 13 February 2023

The Importance of Daydreaming-About-my-Brain-Institute12

Neuroscience has shed some light on daydreaming or letting the mind wander. Humans spend up to half of their waking hours daydreaming. The ‘decoupling hypothesis’ proposes that when we daydream, brain resources are shifted away from our external environment to our internal environment …

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Narcissistic Leadership: Generosity Means Thinking Beyond Yourself

By Silvia Damiano on 4 February 2023

Narcissistic Leadership: Generosity Means Thinking Beyond Yourself - About my Brain Institute

Only a confident, generous person can truly cheer others on, especially if they may be a competitor in the business world. We may find ourselves smiling on the outside, but inside we may be seething at their success and our own failure (or simply lack of the same kind of success). It’ …

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Confidence is the Secret Ingredient for Improved Performance

By Silvia Damiano on 8 September 2022

Confidence is the Secret Ingredient for Improved Performance - About my Brain Institute

Even in the best of times, some of us have doubts about our abilities and performance. We feel anxiety and even fear when we think about doing certain things at work, like giving a speech or preparing a report with a quick deadline.

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Minimising Distractions to Increase Performance & Focus

By Silvia Damiano on 15 December 2021

Minimising Distractions to Increase Performance & Focus

In my coaching work, one of the issues I notice affecting most people is the lack of focus. Whether they are top-level athletes, managers or musicians, the best performers know how to push away distractions and focus on their work without feeling guilty about it. They also understand …

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When Your Brain Sabotages Your Own Adaptability

By Silvia Damiano on 17 November 2021

When Your Brain Sabotages Your Own Adaptability

Some people become very passionate and irate when their beliefs are challenged, even if the challenger is polite and has evidence supporting their stance. Neuroscience has shown that our convictions become part of the brain, so much like we instinctively protect our physical self in t …

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Was Steve Jobs Right About Connecting The Dots?

By Relmi Damiano on 10 November 2021

Was Steve Jobs right about connecting the dots?

Our brains are exposed to about 34 gigabytes of information per day.1 Some of these experiences, memories, or ideas are inevitably lost forever in the vaults of our minds, but some of these moments do leave a real memory that we can recall at will. Think of these moments, the ones we …

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What Happens When the Brain is Too Tired to Perform?

By Silvia Damiano on 13 October 2021

What Happens When the Brain is Too Tired to Perform?

When we sleep, our brains are essentially flushed with cerebral spinal fluids, which may help clear out toxins that accumulate in the brain.1 Tired leaders may feel as if they are effective, but in reality, tiredness results in more mistakes and a decreased work pace. Our leadership a …

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A Neuroleader Understands What People Need To Thrive

By Silvia Damiano on 6 October 2021

A Neuroleader Understands What People Need To Thrive

We often tend to see the same people. This circle of companionship likely varies depending on whether we are at work or home, but we probably see most of the same people each day. The lack of variety in our social and professional bubbles may reduce the empathy we have for others beca …

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Mirror, Mirror - Who is the Smartest and Strongest of All?

By Silvia Damiano on 9 September 2021

Mirror, Mirror - Who is the Smartest and Strongest of All? - About my Brain Institute

Knowing our strengths and limitations allows us to foster trust and team spirit. When we are ignorant about these personal traits, we can engage in behaviours that push people away. Leadership is about influencing others, and if we do not understand what attracts people and what repel …

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Developing Talent with the i4 Neuroleader™ Methodology

By Silvia Damiano on 1 December 2020

Better brains create better leaders and workplaces.

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Topics: i4 Neuroleader

The Petronas Twin Towers - Creative Brilliance and Technical Expertise 

By Garry Mills on 27 November 2020

The Petronas Twin Towers - Creative Brilliance and Technical Expertise 

The Petronas Twin Towers in Malaysia is an 88-story engineering masterpiece that’s affectionately known as Kuala Lumpur’s crown jewel. Each tower climbs 452 metres into the sky like a bridge to another world in the clouds, a magnificent display of laminated glass and stainless steel r …

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Topics: i4 Neuroleader

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