A Daily Affirmation Can Drive Innovation

by Relmi Damiano on 21 March 2023

A Daily Affirmation Can Drive Innovation - About my Brain Institute

Resilient leaders can better handle adversity as it arises. We have seen how neglect and stress in childhood can wire the brain a certain way, and we understand that we can rewire the brain because of neuroplasticity. This means we can make changes, particularly if we work at it.

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Topics: Innovation Drive

3 Ways to Increase Your Motivation and Drive

by Silvia Damiano on 11 June 2019

_hero-image-3 Ways to Increase Your Motivation and Drive - About my Brain Institute

Sometimes it is easy to know what motivates us. It might be the desire for more money to purchase a house, or a car, or whatever the heart yearns for. It might be the desire to do good and spread kindness to others in need. But, sometimes our motivation and drive start to lag, draggin …

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Money Magazine: When You Experience 3000% Inflation, Panic Strikes!

by Press Room on 11 January 2019


Our Founder & CEO, Silvia Damiano is interviewed by Money Magazine.

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Finding Your Drive When Catastrophe Strikes

by Silvia Damiano on 14 June 2018

Finding-Your-Drive-When-Catastrophe-Strikes - About my Brain Institute

Most people are unprepared when a true catastrophe strikes. Whether Mother Nature or humankind is to blame, people often have to try to pick up the pieces and forge ahead. Leaders should step into the limelight during these situations and assist others in any way possible.

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Navigating The Twisting Road To Success

by Silvia Damiano on 18 January 2018

Navigating-The-Twisting-Road-To-Success -  About my Brain Institute

What does success mean to you? It’s different for all of us. When you think of a successful person, who pops in your mind? Maybe you think of famous movie stars, with lots of wealth and glamorous lives. Or perhaps you think of CEOs or owners of companies. Or maybe someone who is very …

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There Is No Magic Apple For Fatigue

by Silvia Damiano on 11 January 2018

There-Is-No-Magic-Apple-For-Fatigue - About my Brain Institute

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You’ve probably heard that, right? But what about when you really do need a doctor?

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Sticks And Stones May Break My Bones

by Silvia Damiano on 12 December 2017


When you speak with your colleagues, how many times do you have something to praise and how many times do you have something to criticise? Think back honestly to the last meeting or gathering that you had with your employees.

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Drive - The Key To Making Innovation Work

by Mark Hodgson on 24 October 2017


Drive refers to having the strength and perseverance to pursue the action required to attain a desired goal. It’s the energy that makes everything else happen and its absence leaves a lot of disparate parts – ideas, people, resources - that never quite come together.

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The Power Of The Spoken Word

by Silvia Damiano on 28 September 2017

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Have you ever thought about the tone of voice that you use for different things? When you see a puppy or a cute, smiling baby, do you resort to a high-pitched ‘lovey’ voice? Or maybe if you see someone about to drop something, do you use an urgent, intense ‘warning’ voice?

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Drive Is The Inspiration To Never Quit

by Silvia Damiano on 24 August 2017

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As a child, was there anything that you really, really wanted? Maybe it was something tangible, like a new bike or a treehouse. Or maybe you wanted to earn something, like a spot on the cheerleading squad or valedictorian. Whatever it was for you, did you make it? Did you feel the dri …

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Learning From The Curve Balls In Life

by Silvia Damiano on 6 June 2017


While once touted as 'America's Pastime', baseball is now a sport with fans around the world. The recent World Series win for the Chicago Cubs is a lesson in perseverance. Long-time fans were overjoyed to see their team finally win big. You probably do not face the same types of obsta …

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The Pull Back Factor

by Tao de Haas on 5 February 2013

What makes some people act and be successful when others don’t? This is one of the most fundamental questions. Why do some people succeed and others who also want to be successful don’t?

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Topics: Innovation Drive

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