Running the i4 Neuroleader Program for Executives Virtually

by Silvia Damiano on 23 April 2021

i4 Neuroleader Platform

From the moment the COVID-19 pandemic hit us all, I suspected we would no longer be able to do things as we had before. This virus has definitely changed us forever, creating new insights into how we work and live.

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Topics: Case Studies

If Your Staff Is Not Talking About Creativity, You Are Falling Behind

by Silvia Damiano on 9 January 2020

If Your Staff Is Not Talking About Creativity, You Are Falling Behind - About my Brain Institute

Creativity often gets lost when we focus on all the tasks we need to accomplish each day. In this rush to “do” things, we are losing out on so much, including imagination and creativity. Without fostering these abilities, how could we have soaring cathedrals and beautiful art? How cou …

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Featured In ‘The 100% Human At Work’ Virgin Unite Initiative & Awarded Finalist in AITD’s Best Leadership Programs

by Press Room on 10 September 2019


A couple of years ago, Virgin Unite (the “entrepreneurial foundation” of Richard Branson’s Virgin Group) launched the ‘100% Human at Work Initiative’ because they believe the time has come for business to start thinking of people as human beings and not as resources.

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A Leadership Model that Offers a Holistic Approach to Human Potential

by Sally Wernham on 21 February 2019

A Leadership Model that Offers a Holistic Approach to Human Potential - About my Brain Institute

With a keen interest in leadership development, I was inspired to engage with the i4 Neuroleader Model & Methodology for a few reasons. As a neurobiology-based personal leadership and well-being model, it aligned with my interest in the growing body of neuroscientific research on …

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Leading with Love & Compassion: Growing with the i4 Neuroleader Model

by Kim Ellis on 5 February 2019

Leading-with-Love-and-Compassion-Growing-with-the-i4-Neuroleader-Model - About my Brain Institute

This has been a long journey for me, and the completion of this training program, many months after the course, also marks the end of my time at the Botanic Gardens and Centennial Parklands. These final weeks and the participation in the About my Brain training has made me realise I h …

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Bring Balance Back to Your Life with the i4 Neuroleader Model

by Samantha Z. Dzabic on 29 January 2019

Bring-Balance-Back-to-Your-Life-With-The-i4-Neuroleader-Model - About my Brain Institute

I was excited to participate in the Program with Silvia Damiano because I have a background in psychology and also organisational behaviour. I thought this would be a repeat of what I already knew about brain physiology & plasticity - but now I realise I was very wrong.

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VUCA In The Public Sector & The i4 Neuroleader Model

by Stephen Murray on 22 January 2019

VUCA-In-The-Public-Sector-The-i4-Neuroleader-Model - About my Brain Institute

The term VUCA resonates with me in today’s age as the pace of change of technology, commerce, government, politics and society moves forward. From my perspective in the public sector, the term of VUCA is not heard often. I used it the other day at a staff conference and in return, I r …

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Move Fast, Stay Upright

by Kim Ellis on 5 July 2018

Move-Fast-Stay-Upright - About my Brain Institute

Motorcycle riding is a passion for me. The passion and challenge of the weekend rides keep me focused and agile during the week. So why link motorcycle riding to agility? Riding a motorcycle uses all of your senses. You feel the elements, you shift your body to steer, your eyes scan t …

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Leading A New Generation - Leading With Vulnerability

by Kim Ellis on 15 May 2018

Leading-A-New-Generation---Leading-With-Vulnerability - About my Brain Institute

Earlier this year, I held a two day off site training activity for my management team. It included a day of exploring our team dynamics and the connections that would make us more resilient as a team. Part of the session was an exploration of our vulnerability, conducted under the wat …

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Is Your Salon “Brain Friendly”?

by The About my Brain Institute on 15 June 2016


Sure, education and knowledge go a long way, but when was the last time you thought about the imagination, intuition and empathy of your staff?

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Key Insights From An i4 Practitioner For Creating A Brain-Friendly Culture

by Melinda Hills on 27 April 2016

Two years ago, I made the decision to become certified in the i4 Neuroleader Assessment and Methodology. I chose this tool over others because I felt it most accurately reflected and assessed the behaviours, traits and abilities people require to lead and manage change in current 21st …

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Creating a Brain Friendly Culture At Ultraceuticals

by The About my Brain Institute on 12 February 2016

This case study examines the journey of Ultraceuticals in Creating a Brain Friendly Culture with the i4 Methodology across the organisation to develop leaders and drive performance. Ultraceuticals is a privately owned, award winning Australian Company and leader in the Australian cosm …

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