Awareness – The Key To Knowing What’s Really Going On?

By Mark Hodgson on 4 July 2017


In a world of open-plan workspaces, headphones and café meetings where everyone is ‘heads down’ in their device, it’s easy for our awareness levels to drop. Learning to pay attention, observe and understand the impact of our reactions, strengths and weaknesses, can significantly influ …

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How Are You Really Doing?

By Silvia Damiano on 29 June 2017

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As a leader, you probably give feedback to your employees all day long. But how often do YOU get to hear how you are doing? Sure, your own boss may offer feedback periodically, but when do you get to hear from those you actually work with every day? Even if it’s not in a formal settin …

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Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

By Silvia Damiano on 25 May 2017


It seems that most of us find lots of comfort in our routine. We do things at home or work a particular way, and we want it to be that way. If you've ever had or cared for young children, you know how important routines can be, for the children's wellbeing and your sanity.

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Appreciating Your Own Life To Increase Awareness

By Silvia Damiano on 18 May 2017


You order coffee and take a sip, only to find that it isn't quite right. The barista may have used almond milk instead of non-fat, or maybe that shot of caramel is a little lacking. You probably feel irritated and put out. But then imagine someone who cannot afford that designer cup o …

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Moving More Benefits Your Body & Mind

By Gus Rickard on 9 May 2017


The human body is truly a marvel of engineering. The elegant, complex mechanisms that make us who we are adapt continually to ensure survival. We have the ability to dream about wondrous creations and the desire to go out and make those dreams come true.

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Intuition - Why It's Time To Listen To Our Third Brain!

By Mark Hodgson on 6 April 2017

Intuition - Why It's Time To Listen To Our Third Brain! - About my Brain Institute

General Colin Powell is widely acknowledged as an excellent military and political leader. He invokes a rule around decision-making where P = 40-70. P is the probability of success and 40-70 the percentage of information required to make a decision.

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Adaptability – And Why We Need It In Our Talent Toolbox

By Mark Hodgson on 10 January 2017


Attempting to stay ahead in the change game is a dizzying task. There’s so much going on in every direction and it’s impossible to follow everything. But there are some clear trends. One of them is that big cumbersome organisations are increasingly losing out to smaller, more adaptabl …

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Explore Your Intuition for Agile Living

By Silvia Damiano on 17 November 2016


Gut feelings, hunches and... intuitive insights. Often dismissed, they are part of the human ability called ‘intuition'. You may have noticed the discomfort of your boss if you've ever asked him or her to trust you because you were certain a proposal would work out.

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How Teaching Can Help You Learn

By The About my Brain Institute on 23 October 2016


We all teach, even if we don't recognise our actions as teaching. Showing a child how to swim, explaining how to set up a report, or coaching a little league game all showcase teaching skills. The ability to teach has enormous value and can lead to increased awareness of ourselves. By …

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Influence – All We Have When Authority Has Left The Building

By Mark Hodgson on 31 August 2016


How do we make ourselves heard in a world and a marketplace where everyone is shouting? That’s a question we need to answer, both to win in a commercial sense, but also perhaps to create our own sense of calm and purpose.

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Putting Agility At The Heart Of Everything

By Mark Hodgson on 4 May 2016


When we talk about ‘Command and Control’ leadership models, we often use examples derived from the military. We envisage a small number of Generals defining objectives, creating strategies and then handing down unquestioned orders through the ‘chain of command’ to mobilise thousands o …

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Why Not Democratise Neuroscience?

By The About my Brain Institute on 24 September 2014

Today, founder of SharpBrains - Alvaro Fernandez interviewed our CEO on her view of why we need to democratise neuroscience and leadership.

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