There Is No Magic Apple For Fatigue

2 min read
11 January 2018

An apple a day keeps the doctor away. You’ve probably heard that, right? But what about when you really do need a doctor?

You probably tend to brush away your own health issues. It’s fine, you say, or I’ll sleep more tomorrow night. Taking a moment to slow down and protect your health is imperative. You want to ensure that you are the best leader you can be. If you are tired, fatigued, and plain worn out, maybe it’s time to call your doctor.

Science Acknowledges That Sometimes We Are Tired

You may feel that showing fatigue or strain is showing weakness. But it’s actually the opposite. If you can recognise the signs in yourself, you will be more perceptive to those around you. When you openly address your symptoms, your employees will likely be more apt to respond to their own issues, leading to a more productive workforce. And science is on your side.

Fatigue is actually one of the most common reasons that people see a doctor—it’s in the top five. Fatigue can lessen your quality of life, and can even be a warning sign of early disability. One study examined the link between fatigue and mobility issues in males and females. The research found that fatigue may be a risk factor for mobility in middle-aged and older adults, especially males. While more studies are needed to specify the gender-specific results, it’s clear that being fatigued is not good for you (Mueller-Schotte, 2016).

Take The Time To Take Care Of Yourself And Watch Everything Else Fall Into Place

Can you do your best thinking when you are tired? The answer for most of us is no. Safeguarding your health is so incredibly important, and the everyday stresses and routines of life can bring you down. You will be a better leader when you are relaxed and well-rested.

When you are tired and rushing from one meeting to another, or one task to another, you cannot perform at your best. New thoughts will dry up in such an environment, and innovation will slow. When innovation starts to slip, so will drive, and you will start running on autopilot. You’ll be missing out on new ideas, and it will be impossible to maximise your potential.

Tuning Your Biological Machine To Become More Creative

To support your drive, and in turn, your creativity and innovation, you need to run a well-oiled machine. Your body is that biological machine. Feeding yourself nutritious foods, daydreaming, and getting enough rest are just part of the formula. When your employees see that you value your health, they will be more mindful of their own choices.

So, take a step back and really analyse your life. Are you feeling worn down and used up? You can say that you’ll work a little less, sleep a little more, but will you follow through? You wouldn’t hesitate to call your doctor if you broke your ankle, so why would you wait when you are exhausted?

Mueller-Schotte, S., Bleijenberg, N., van der Schouw, Y. T., & Schuurmans, M. J. (2016). Fatigue as a long-term risk factor for limitations in instrumental activities of daily living and/or mobility performance in older adults after 10 years. Clinical Interventions in Aging, 11, 1579–1587.

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