Rediscover A Healthier Self With The i4 Neuroleader Methodology
The i4 Neuroleader Methodology appeared in my life in what became a life-changing moment. Last year I was going through a stressful period at work and in my emotional life. I felt I was barely handling everything when suddenly, there was a pain in my gut and it bloated without a medical reason.
Doctors told me it was a functional problem due to stress. My gut was telling me something I hadn’t recognised. I was facing issues that were far beyond my norm, and I was dealing with uncertainty and the differences in values between other people and me. In any case, I didn’t understand my body’s warning, so I kept working as many hours as I could, trying to reach all the goals I had.
Finding The i4 Neuroleader Methodology And A New Beginning
During this trying time, I found the i4 Neuroleader Methodology and decided to earn the certificate because it would help as a professional of Human Resources and as a Coach. I believe things happen for a reason, and this is no exception.
The 360° Feedback i4 Neuroleader Assessment has helped me look in the mirror and also see myself in the eyes of people I love, like my family, my friends and also my team. Fortunately, I decided to continue with this certification, and that led to an ‘aha’ moment in my mind. I realised that my health wasn’t part of my core values and that I needed a change, which meant caring about myself and others.
Agustina Yasielski
It’s not enough to say ‘I have to improve’. I needed to know how my brain worked to design behaviours that suited me. Beyond neuro-basics, every brain, every human is different. How can we better our minds to do more and be more? I am happy to share some of my findings, and I hope someday, my experience can inspire others.
We Act As We Think, So How Can I Be
The Best Version Of Myself?
All my life I’ve believed in working hard to reach my goals, and I felt sacrificing moments of relaxation was the price to pay. I pushed my brain, body and mind relentlessly, without caring about my limits. However, in the Imagination Age, I need to be balanced to make good decisions, to have quality conversations, to create new ideas, and to be in an optimal state.
My best version is the one who works hard while still being aware of my focus, ideas, and emotions. It is so powerful to find this balance between relaxation and work. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work hard, but rather that you should include a context and time for work and play.
Many times I’ve made decisions while thinking of myself as a machine, hearing myself say, ‘my brain is not working’ or ‘I’m going to explode’. Now, I feel emotional when I say I’m human, and I’m vulnerable, and I deserve to be able to take care of myself.
To truly make changes, you have to think from a new perspective and really challenge your beliefs. You have to decide what actions are difficult for you and what you can do to overcome these difficulties.
New Ideas And New Professional Challenges
I love thinking of new ideas and professional challenges. But, there is a difference between the speed of my mind & the actions required to fulfil my ideas. Time needs to be part of the visualisation, along with the understanding that change takes time.
I’ve also learnt that sometimes, I have to say no. Adding conditions or goals in the middle of a project will not typically yield much quality, but instead adds more stress. I’ve also pushed myself to ask for help and let other people offer their ideas and solutions. We all have limitations; we’re only huan, after all!
After the certification course, I took a trip to Egypt. I was trying to organise everything from the course, so while watching a lovely sunset, I wrote down some of my ideas, tips and reminders.
- Health should be a priority: According to the 360° Feedback Report results (part of the i4 Neuroleader Model), ethics is one of my strengths. I quickly realised, however, that health was not one of the main pillars in my life. Of course, now I’ve decided to include it!
- Small steps are key: No one can make vast, sweeping changes instantly in their life (and stick with it). My brain has neuroplasticity, which means I can transform it. But, it takes time for the mind to create new pathways and connections. I embrace the fact that I cannot change everything in one day.
- This is the only brain I have: I thought I was good at multitasking, but I found, in reality, I was losing more than I was gaining. When I would try to do everything at once, I would stop enjoying the little moments in life, and my prefrontal cortex was constantly hyperactive. As a result, my attention span was lowered, my ability to listen was diminished, and my relationships with others suffered.
- Be aware of how to improve brain function: If I am dealing with a new task or a difficult project, I now know it can be very beneficial to go for a walk outside, socialise with others, and even relax and take a deep breath. We all have limitations, and by knowing these limitations, we can decide where to focus and spend our brain energy.
- The importance of sleep is clear: As someone who used to spend 80% of the day focused on work, I now devote at least 8 hours each night to sleep. A refreshed brain is ready to make better decisions.
- Writing is a way to reconnect: I’ve started writing my thoughts on paper, as I acknowledge how much I needed to have them recorded in a safe place. I can revisit these thoughts, disconnecting and reconnecting at will.
- Set the cell phone aside: I also realised how addicted I’ve become to my cell phone. Instead of automatically reaching for it, perhaps I can find another way to share ideas with friends and colleagues.
- Socialise with my friends and family: Instead of texting, I make an effort to meet with the people I enjoy spending time with. It’s important to look people in the eye and really listen to what they have to say, in both the personal and professional spheres of life.
- Balance is the missing link for success: Learning to balance activities and allow an open space for creativity was eye-opening. I most enjoy spending my time at work thinking with a team on how to create a solution. This expanded into my personal life, as I started asking others how they were doing and made an effort to spend time with them.
Taking These Ideas From Paper To Reality And Promoting Real Change
While writing my thoughts and ideas was helpful to me, it’s only the first step in a much longer process. I not only need to develop new mindsets for myself, but also inspire my team & the people around me to reflect on their own behaviours. By creating a brain-friendly environment in my life, I can share what I have learnt and continue to grow.
Instead of silently leading the way by overworking myself, I now rely on my team. I am excited to share my experiences with the i4 Neuroleader Methodology with my team, as leadership is personal, but it also centres around a team perspective. We spend 9 or so hours a day together, and we will be much more productive if our brains are operating in an optimal state.
I understand now how important health is, not only to survive but to be the best version of myself. I’m going to continue to walk along this path to make my vision come true, and my brain, heart and gut will guide me.
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