A few years ago, I experienced extreme burnout and chose to leave my executive leadership position in the corporate world. As a leader of shared services, I had responsibility for developing our people programs (HR) as well as leading IT, legal, customer service, and project coordination. The organization had won multiple awards including the Gallup Global Exceptional Workplace Award three years in a row.
I couldn’t understand how despite implementing all the best practices and winning awards for them, I ended up in a state of extreme burnout. I began a journey to determine what I was missing from my current knowledge and understanding of people and performance. I quickly discovered how misaligned many present work practices are with the neuroscience of human performance.
In my opinion, the time has come for workplace transformation and evolution to new and improved practices that better support the humans within them. When leaders better understand how and why their current behaviors might be negatively impacting the humans they are leading, it can lead to significant transformation and growth. Many leaders (like I was) are simply unaware of the science that supports a different methodology and approach to people than we’ve used historically.
I am passionate about the possibilities that exist when workplaces decide to leverage a neuroscience-based approach to performance. In doing so, they have the opportunity to unlock greater human potential, optimize people’s performance, and expand people’s capacity to perform in spite of the challenges in the world today. The result of doing so will be not only better engagement, performance, and business results, but also improved well-being and experiences for their people.
One result of my deep dive into the neuroscience of human performance was a desire to identify an assessment that could be used with leaders to bring awareness to these critical capabilities. I recognized a high-quality 360 assessment could help leaders become more aware of their current state by seeking feedback from those who they interact with regularly.
After completing the mBIT Certification (multiple brain integration techniques) created by the late Grant Soosalu that emphasized the importance of integrating our multiple intelligences and applying them in our lives, I wanted to find an assessment that incorporated this approach. I’ve seen the transformative power of aligning and integrating our multiple intelligences to solve problems, make decisions, improve performance and relationships. Therefore, I wanted an assessment that included not just the concept of the head brain but also the heart and gut brains.
As part of my search, I came upon the phenomenal award-winning “Make Me A Leader” documentary released in 2018, that included Grant and his work on mBIT. The documentary highlighted the many ways leadership practices need to change to support people in the VUCA (volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous) world we are in today.
The documentary presented seven leadership strategies to become more compassionate and effective leaders all based on research and scientific discoveries about the human body. The key leadership strategies were meant to lay the foundation for what would be needed in this ever-changing world.
Despite the documentary being a few years pre-pandemic, the concepts within it are even more relevant in the world we are living and working in today. In many ways the documentary predicted the experience that most people are having today with respect to leadership and performance in the workplace. The sense that we need leaders who have a basic understanding of the science of human performance.
I began researching the About my Brain Institute, i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment, and Certification and quickly realized it was the perfect fit. I was excited to take the assessment and get started on the certification.
When I first started the journey, I thought I would quickly move through the material, integrate the insights, and begin offering the assessment. However, as I embarked on my journey, I immediately discovered the i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment, content, and supporting materials were more substantial than I anticipated.