From Bali Bliss to Brain Breakthroughs: My Transformational Journey With The i4 Neuroleader™ Methodology

3 min read
22 February 2025
From Bali Bliss to Brain Breakthroughs: My Transformational Journey With The i4 Neuroleader™ Methodology

I arrived in Bali with enough time to have an afternoon and evening of sightseeing before beginning five days of being immersed in the i4 Neuroleader ™ Methodology Certification Retreat.

That day, I felt the magic of soaring over the rice terraces in a flowing red satin dress, the thrill of getting drenched in a sudden tropical storm, and the wonder of arriving at my room, where fresh flowers adorned the bed. I was warned that a tokay gecko might call from the roof during the night—but it was harmless. The evening ended with an incredible octopus dinner on a terrace high above the dense, emerald foliage.

My cup was full, and I did not for a moment think that what was to come over the next five days could surpass what I experienced on day one before the About my Brain retreat started. I was wrong.

In deciding to join the inspirational Silvia and Relmi Damiano in Ubud, Bali, I expected to deepen my understanding of current and emerging research about neuroscience...

Silvia and Relmi Damiano

I wanted to refresh and embed new knowledge into my coaching practice and the bespoke leadership development programs that I develop and deliver. I also knew that I needed a reset.

As a small business sole operator, part of my portfolio of services sees me immersed in working with individuals and families who are experiencing loss and grief. This is intense work that I both cherish and value. I achieved everything I needed – knowledge and the reset – and so much more. 

Our classroom was the most beautiful open sided structure set in gardens, including lily ponds. Our respect for this place and for the act of learning was reinforced through the act of cleansing our feet before entering, and sat in casual seating to listen, discuss, share and support each other in our learning process.

The classroom learning was only one part of the program with the amenities of the premises and the local surrounds being utilised for experiences that reinforce the 4 i’s of the i4 Neuroleader™ Model: Integration, Inspiration, Imagination and Intuition.


Every experience challenged my preconceived ideas, and I consciously moved from negative thinking - “I can’t do that!” or “I’m not really interested in that”!” to “I’m going to have a go at that!” This deliberate shift in thinking meant that I was able to experience many activities that I never thought I would.

I left the program feeling lighter—both mentally and physically—deeply enriched by the culture and the meaningful connections I formed along the way.

Within a week of leaving the program I applied some of my learnings in a tangible way. I created the opportunity at scheduled training sessions to apply some of my take aways. I experienced a level of confidence and enthusiasm in doing so that was greater than prior to the retreat.

My workshop participants that week, experienced for the first time many of the techniques I learnt during the program. I left the program committed to carrying forward the benefits of the retreat long past its end date. 

My goals included:

  • Use the concept of ‘Value Creator’ in my coaching.

  • Create more Theta brain waves (for intuition and healing).

  • Incorporate the construct of “What change would you/I make if you/I just believed you/I could?” into my coaching and on a personal level.

  • Explore the concept of ‘entanglement’ further.

  • Remember that my muscle memory of working in a risk averse environment is extraordinarily strong – work on changing that.

  • Use the mantra of “it’s not about time management, it’s about mind management” in my coaching and personally.

  • Fall in love with my shadow.

  • Replace ‘brainstorming’ with ‘ideation’ and test About my Brain’s [ © Priming Flow Method ] and actively explore biohacking considerations with clients.

The enthusiasm I have had for many years for the work of the About my Brain Institute and specifically the i4 Neuroleader ™ Model is at an all-time high.

If you’ve been thinking about joining the retreat, this is your sign to go for it, you’ll love every moment. Next Dates: Oct 13 - 17, 2025! 👇

Bali Retreat

What’s Next?

What I have experienced during the Bali Retreat has strengthen my intention to step back from some of my activities to make more room for this work – both personally and professionally.

Moving onto 2025, I am delighted to have been invited to become the Hobart and Melbourne Master Trainer for the About my Brain Institute’s 2-day program the Brain-Friendly Leadership Certification.

To learn more about this program and check out the upcoming Hobart and Melbourne dates, click below!👇


Other Cities!

Our Brain-Friendly Leadership Certification, is also taking place in other cities around the world. Check out the event calendar and our other Master Trainers below!👇

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