Communication Skills Are Like A Muscle, They Need Exercise

2 min read
18 September 2018

Quality leaders have to do more than merely manage the endless flow of paperwork and tasks. They must also be able to nurture and create an environment open to innovation, creativity and good communication.
These skills are so often overlooked in leaders, but crucial in this global,
fluid world.

Deciding To Focus On Communication At A Young Age

While filming the Make Me A Leader Documentary, I sat down and chatted with Brooke Schiller, a consultant and coach who focuses on neuroleadership and team effectiveness, in her California home. She decided to major in communications because of her childhood roots. As a child, she took on the role of communicator and connector, and this role gradually progressed into a career.

In today’s corporate world, people are often expected to leave their personal lives at the door. According to Ms. Schiller, this is like leaving half of your brain or body at the door! Not only will you be less effective, but you’ll also be less of who you truly are.

The desire to communicate is there for many, but this desire is not something that is cultivated or appreciated in most business cultures. However, developing these skills, and developing a real sense of empathy and understanding for others will help create leaders that know how to not only push papers, but leaders who know how to support their employees, clients, and people in their personal lives.

It’s important for leaders, entrepreneurs, and people to develop superb communication skills because it helps get things done and it helps create a climate where people feel good about working there. They feel supported.

Brooke Schiller

We know that communication contributes to business results. When people become aware of how they do or do not communicate, they can begin to develop these skills. Exposing vulnerabilities, no matter your gender is important. Men can’t be expected to always be the ‘tough guy’ and women shouldn’t always be expected to be the ‘mother hen’ figure. It’s knowing when and how much to share that makes communication an art form.

Start with baby steps, and share little pieces of yourself. Maybe it is about a favourite childhood pastime or favourite sports team. Perhaps it’s a love of art or music or poetry. Or a love of nature, or joy in your family. Sharing these small pieces that you experience in your life journey can show who you really are.

You can’t expect to suddenly become an expert at communication. You would hardly expect to get off the coach and suddenly run a marathon, with zero training, right?
It’s the same with communication. You have to want to cultivate it and develop it,
and you have to be willing to put in the work and practice.

Starting Small Is Better Than Never Starting At All

You don’t have to make sweeping, drastic changes to see improvement in your communication skills. Baby steps can achieve great results. You can make the conscious decision to improve all aspects of your life, including your leadership skills and how you interact with others in your personal life. Unlock a part of yourself that has been hidden from the world, and let the real you flourish.


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