Brain-Friendly Leadership: A Wellness Guide That Takes You Back to Basics

3 min read
1 September 2021

As we were preparing to launch ‘Brain-Friendly Leadership’ in Spain back in March 2020, COVID-19 hit. Although this event put a considerable delay on our book release date due to months of uncertainty, the content of this publication became even more relevant.

We spent most of 2020 as spectators while the pandemic affected the world around us. I must say, that the effects on leadership effectiveness were increasingly apparent.

Countries with stronger, more compassionate leadership were better equipped to face the challenges of COVID-19. Countries with other kinds of leaders were floundering as infection rates continued to climb. This still holds true to this day with the emergence of Delta.

As we launch the English version of this book on Sep 24th 2021, it is clear in our minds that what has been written throughout this publication still stands.

After everything the world has endured this past year, we are incredibly proud and eager to present you with our next book titled ‘Brain-Friendly Leadership: The 9 Habits of a Future Fit Mind’.

This wellness guide further expands on our original work in the 2014 book ‘Leadership Is Upside Down: The i4 Neuroleader Revolution’ and our 2018 documentary ‘Make Me A Leader’. 

This book will allow you to reflect on what it means to be a: 

‘Brain-Friendly Leader’

After all, better brains DO create better leaders, which in-turn impacts workplaces and society as a whole.

A ‘brain-friendly leader’ or a ‘neuroleader’ is a state of being that we can ALL achieve. Even if you do not consider yourself to be a ‘leader’ - at least you can enhance your own personal leadership.

How do we awaken the capacity to think beyond self, act courageously and make more compassionate choices? The answer is to create a more brain-friendly world.

As we ask ourselves these questions, the sad truth is that COVID is only one of the many problems facing our planet as a whole. The availability of quality healthcare, increasing mental health issues, the realities of climate change, a lack of access to education, political greed, protests as people fight for equality, as well as various conflicts on a global scale that could escalate into wars... this will all drastically impact the lives of billions.

In terms of mental health (across all age groups) it may take several years to see the full impact that COVID has had. These disparities will likely widen as shutdown measures and variants of the original virus continue to be a reality for many.

Now more than ever, leaders need to be prepared to create ‘psychologically safe’ and ‘brain-friendly’ workplaces to help their workers and, in turn, their families.

Becoming ‘brain-friendly’ is not a mere theoretical concept. It is the bridge between the human brain and leadership which means that the more we learn to optimise our brain function, the more thoughtful and conscious our decisions and actions will be.

Silvia Damiano

How Can ‘Brain-Friendly Leadership’ Help?

This book outlines 9 practical habits organised into 3 categories, featuring an incredible collection of research that will show you:

  1. How to manage yourself (through activating your purpose, controlling your thoughts and visualising success).

  2. How to take care of your brain (through mindfulness, food and exercise).

  3. How to develop yourself further (through avoiding toxicity, being optimistic and lifelong learning).

The insights you will gain from ‘Brain-Friendly Leadership’ can help improve your health, happiness and wellbeing.

As we face the greatest pandemic of the 21st century (so far), we can see where leadership is stepping up and where leadership is lacking. Leadership is not something we only inherit, but a combination of hard work, dedication and brain training.

Are leaders equipped to tackle the long term consequences of COVID-19 or even better prepare themselves for the next virus or variety of societal, environmental or political problems?

Now is the time to train leaders to be more innovative, creative and kind. If we sit and do nothing, the results of our apathy will likely impact generations for years to come.

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