Tony Pottle

Tony Pottle

Tony Pottle is a business leader, trainer, speaker and professional coach with over 24 years of experience with Fortune 500 companies. Tony is the owner of Time to be Great LLC and is the Education Program Coordinator and Assistant Trainer with the NeuroLeadership Institute. He holds a Certificate of Brain-based Coaching Skills, is earning a Masters in the Neuroscience of Leadership, is certified as a Lead Trainer, and has trained and coached hundreds of leaders.

Posts by Tony Pottle

Advice And Feedback And Counsel! Oh My!

By Tony Pottle on 23 January 2011

Advice. Feedback. Performance Review. Words that send cold shivers up most people’s spines. We should be eager to accept feedback from others, and know that we can really improve by incorporating other people’s points of view. But our brains get in the way.

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