The About my Brain Institute

The About my Brain Institute

We have a passion for high-quality content & making our articles accessible to everyone. Stimulating creativity, inspiring you through stories & interesting insights of how neuroscience can be applied to your life is what we live for.

Posts by The About my Brain Institute

The Perks Of Napping On The Job

by The About my Brain Institute on 16 January 2017


While many in the business world may shun a nap, famous nappers include the likes of John F. Kennedy, Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Napolean, Leonardo da Vinci and Thomas Edison. People of various cultures all over the world indulge in an afternoon nap or ‘siesta’.

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The Art & Science Of Breathing

by The About my Brain Institute on 26 December 2016


Everyone has overwhelming moments in life. You may feel fed up with work, stressed about your children’s behaviour, or just tired of ‘adulting’ in general. One of the easiest and most basic ways to calm your brain during these overwhelming moments is to breathe.

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A Little Appreciation Can Go A Long Way

by The About my Brain Institute on 5 December 2016


You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Many of us have heard or even used this old English proverb. But have you ever considered what it means? Too often, we find the flaws with individuals in our personal and professional lives.

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The Value Of Studying The Life Of Creatives

by The About my Brain Institute on 24 October 2016


When you think of imagination or creativity, you may automatically think of artists, poets, authors and composers. In today's world, imagination is typically paired with artistic endeavours but not scientific thinking. However, many of the great scientific minds of the past, including …

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How Teaching Can Help You Learn

by The About my Brain Institute on 23 October 2016


We all teach, even if we don't recognise our actions as teaching. Showing a child how to swim, explaining how to set up a report, or coaching a little league game all showcase teaching skills. The ability to teach has enormous value and can lead to increased awareness of ourselves. By …

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Inspire The Music In You

by The About my Brain Institute on 13 October 2016


We all likely have to admit to singing in the shower, or to giving a masterful solo performance in the car. We physically interact with music, tapping our feet, nodding our heads, and singing and dancing along. All cultures invariably express themselves with music. It links us as huma …

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Gambling, Pleasure And Addiction

by The About my Brain Institute on 18 August 2016

Anyone can become addicted to anything pleasurable. These addictions can range from food or sex or even to gambling.

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Is Your Salon “Brain Friendly”?

by The About my Brain Institute on 15 June 2016


Sure, education and knowledge go a long way, but when was the last time you thought about the imagination, intuition and empathy of your staff?

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Why A Brain-Friendly Immersion Will Benefit Not Just Your Professional But Also Your Private Life

by The About my Brain Institute on 10 March 2016


Going “on retreat” might conjure up images of tie-dye, tree hugging, vegan diets and chanting. But when it’s backed by science and aimed at leadership professionals, consultants, HR managers and creatives, you know you’re in for something a little different.

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Creating a Brain Friendly Culture At Ultraceuticals

by The About my Brain Institute on 12 February 2016

This case study examines the journey of Ultraceuticals in Creating a Brain Friendly Culture with the i4 Methodology across the organisation to develop leaders and drive performance. Ultraceuticals is a privately owned, award winning Australian Company and leader in the Australian cosm …

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Can The Practise Of Managing Our Emotions Lead To Better Leadership?

by The About my Brain Institute on 30 January 2016


Sue Langley is a speaker, master trainer, global business consultant, researcher and leading advisor on the practical workplace applications of neuroscience, emotional intelligence and positive psychology. Sue has used her gift for synthesising science into simple, practical tools any …

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Creating Brain Friendly Cultures At HR TechFest 2015

by The About my Brain Institute on 18 December 2015


A recent Deloitte study has found that the development of culture and employee engagement are the key priorities for organisations around the world. It’s clear that culture is a topic that we can’t really escape. It's something that everyone from the CEO to the receptionist has to add …

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