Silvia Damiano

Silvia Damiano

Founder & CEO
About my Brain Institute

Scientist, educator, author, speaker, coach, award-winning leadership specialist, filmmaker and creator of the i4 Neuroleader Model & Methodology.

Silvia's scientific background and curiosity about the human brain led her to a decade long journey of research into optimal brain functioning and the application of neuroscience in leadership and daily life. Her past and current roles have uniquely prepared her for the current undertaking, that of leadership activist & change agent.

Silvia Damiano founded The About my Brain Institute in 2009, with the purpose of democratising leadership & neuroscience. She has a passionately held belief, that leaders in our 21st century global economy and their organisations must radically change long-held ideas of what constitutes effective leadership

In her ground-breaking books ‘Leadership is Upside Down’, ‘Brain-Friendly Leadership’ and the 2018 documentary ‘Make Me A Leader’, Silvia provides both compelling evidence and explores the importance of leadership in our personal and professional lives and what it takes to develop the human behind the leader.

Silvia has worked in different countries, across many industries, helping teams and organisations improve business performance. Silvia’s clients have described her as a passionate, dynamic, a highly experienced speaker and master facilitator on the topics of Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Change, Neuroleadership & Engagement.

Silvia is passionate about leaving a legacy of well-rounded leaders who can act and decide in a way that better serves humanity. Her clients include Microsoft, Australian Stock Exchange, NSW Government, VISA, Fuji Xerox and Manpower amongst many other global companies.

Posts by Silvia Damiano

Positive Psychology In The Imagination Age

By Silvia Damiano on 12 September 2017


Unfortunately, no magic pill will erase all your problems and stressors. Negative emotions can profoundly impact a person’s ability to be an effective leader. Ask yourself—are you showing up more frequently as the best version of yourself? If the answer is no, then it’s time to recogn …

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Adaptability Is More Than Just Change

By Silvia Damiano on 7 September 2017


Look at your desk. Is your stapler, or tape dispenser, or favourite pen in a particular place? Do you like having the stapler lined up a certain way? Some people prefer having their 'desk tools' organised and in the same spot every time. While your adaptability is more than just your …

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Failing Forward! An Australian Premier Who Made History

By Silvia Damiano on 5 September 2017


Leaders come in many shades. Political leaders are among the most diverse – after all, there are no formal qualifications! They have the ability to affect the lives of millions, yet are exposed to constant scrutiny and criticism. So how do they think about leadership?

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Why Meditation Is An Essential Tool In Our Leadership Performance

By Silvia Damiano on 29 August 2017

Why Meditation Is An Essential Tool In Our Leadership Performance - about my brain institute - transcendental meditation

Enhancing human performance is increasingly important as we adapt to new business models and market conditions. Yet many are still skeptical at the idea of meditation as a high performance tool. It is time to rethink. Neuroscience is now proving the link between the ancient practice o …

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Drive Is The Inspiration To Never Quit

By Silvia Damiano on 24 August 2017

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As a child, was there anything that you really, really wanted? Maybe it was something tangible, like a new bike or a treehouse. Or maybe you wanted to earn something, like a spot on the cheerleading squad or valedictorian. Whatever it was for you, did you make it? Did you feel the dri …

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Write The Words You Can’t Say

By Silvia Damiano on 16 August 2017

Write The Words You Can’t Say

Did you keep a journal or notebook as a child? Lots of kids do, even if just to scribble random thoughts or to draw little pictures of the world around them. For most of us, we simply stopped writing down our thoughts and dreams as we became busy with day-to-day life. It might be time …

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The Key Ingredient For A Successful Life Isn’t Wealth - It’s Happiness

By Silvia Damiano on 15 August 2017


Everyone focuses on money. Making more money. And people who work like this, inevitably burn out. They become unhappy and disillusioned with life. It doesn’t have to be that way. Money and wealth are NOT the secrets to a successful life.

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Make Me A Leader Movie - Trailer Launch

By Silvia Damiano on 15 August 2017


What are the secrets to great leadership? Are leaders born, made or both? How can we use the knowledge emerging from the fields of neuroscience and well-being to enhance leadership performance? The upcoming documentary, Make Me A Leader, answers these questions (and more!) while openi …

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Inspiring Yourself To Inspire Others

By Silvia Damiano on 10 August 2017


When you ask a little boy what he wants to be when he grows up, you will likely hear things like a football player, race car driver, astronaut, or movie star. Most children do not admit that they want to attend meetings and work in an office all day. While some people do become astron …

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All Work And No Play Makes Your Brain Dull

By Silvia Damiano on 8 August 2017


When you think back to your school days, what memory makes you smile? Was it sitting in a row at a desk, working silently? Or was it playing outside, painting in art class, or doing group experiments in science? When did your mind feel agile and inspired?

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Dance Your Way Into A Healthy Body And Mind

By Silvia Damiano on 3 August 2017

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Have you ever heard of popular dance programs like Jazzercise or Zumba? These types of programs focus on exercising to music with choreographed, repetitive steps. If you've never laced up your sneakers and hopped in (and men are welcome, too), you're missing out on a great way to see …

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The Enigmatic Smile Of Mona Lisa

By Silvia Damiano on 27 July 2017

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If there was something you could give people that would brighten their day, would you? What if this something was absolutely free, and only required a tiny amount of effort on your part? Imagine giving someone a chance for an uplifting moment. You can—all you have to do is smile.

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