Silvia Damiano

Silvia Damiano

Founder & CEO
About my Brain Institute

Scientist, educator, author, speaker, coach, award-winning leadership specialist, filmmaker and creator of the i4 Neuroleader Model & Methodology.

Silvia's scientific background and curiosity about the human brain led her to a decade long journey of research into optimal brain functioning and the application of neuroscience in leadership and daily life. Her past and current roles have uniquely prepared her for the current undertaking, that of leadership activist & change agent.

Silvia Damiano founded The About my Brain Institute in 2009, with the purpose of democratising leadership & neuroscience. She has a passionately held belief, that leaders in our 21st century global economy and their organisations must radically change long-held ideas of what constitutes effective leadership

In her ground-breaking books ‘Leadership is Upside Down’, ‘Brain-Friendly Leadership’ and the 2018 documentary ‘Make Me A Leader’, Silvia provides both compelling evidence and explores the importance of leadership in our personal and professional lives and what it takes to develop the human behind the leader.

Silvia has worked in different countries, across many industries, helping teams and organisations improve business performance. Silvia’s clients have described her as a passionate, dynamic, a highly experienced speaker and master facilitator on the topics of Emotional Intelligence, Cultural Change, Neuroleadership & Engagement.

Silvia is passionate about leaving a legacy of well-rounded leaders who can act and decide in a way that better serves humanity. Her clients include Microsoft, Australian Stock Exchange, NSW Government, VISA, Fuji Xerox and Manpower amongst many other global companies.

Posts by Silvia Damiano

Finding The Balance Between Food And Your Life

By Silvia Damiano on 26 October 2017


Everyone has heard the expression ‘you are what you eat.’ Many of us struggle with food issues, from eating too much, or eating too little, or just not knowing what is healthy to eat. There are so many fad diets out there, and you may be confused about what they can do for your body. …

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Curiosity Leads The Way From Earth To Mars And Beyond

By Silvia Damiano on 19 October 2017


Have you ever reflected on why you wonder about certain things? Think about it. Do you ever consider why things pop into your head? Children often ask a million questions at a time. Do you still have that sense of wonder? Curiosity should not be discarded as a relic from childhood, bu …

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Shooting An Arrow Into The Future To Change The World

By Silvia Damiano on 17 October 2017

Shooting An Arrow Into The Future To Change The World - About my Brain Institute

Constant political, economic and technical changes make today an exciting time to be alive, but they also create uncertainty. Artificial intelligence is a reality and – understandably – is a source of fear for many. But what if it’s possible to ensure that the future is a good place - …

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Perfection & Why You Will Never Attain It

By Silvia Damiano on 12 October 2017


Do you have days where you just don’t feel like you are ‘good enough’? It doesn’t matter what it pertains to—maybe you missed a typo on a critical report, or didn’t quite make a deadline, or forgot to refill the water in the coffeepot. Big or small, these things tend to weigh us down.

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Using Chemistry To Unlock The Secrets Of Leadership And The Brain

By Silvia Damiano on 10 October 2017


Effective communication is essential for great leaders, yet many simply don’t have the skills to inspire, persuade and engage those they lead. Learning how brain chemistry affects leadership styles can help unlock this capability.

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Generosity Means Giving More Than Just Your Money

By Silvia Damiano on 5 October 2017


Singer George Michael passed away on Christmas Day of 2016. He was well known for his musical works, but many had no idea how many charities he supported quietly behind the scenes. He was a dedicated philanthropist who made generous donations without the public's knowledge.

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Using Your Brain To Build A Successful Team

By Silvia Damiano on 3 October 2017


In the new world of work, the ability to inspire and gain the confidence of the teams we lead is paramount. Today’s leaders need to understand how the brain works to regulate our emotions and reactions. It is essential in creating the right environment so that people can do and be the …

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The Power Of The Spoken Word

By Silvia Damiano on 28 September 2017

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Have you ever thought about the tone of voice that you use for different things? When you see a puppy or a cute, smiling baby, do you resort to a high-pitched ‘lovey’ voice? Or maybe if you see someone about to drop something, do you use an urgent, intense ‘warning’ voice?

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Using Smart Tech To Create Mindful Leaders

By Silvia Damiano on 26 September 2017


Businesses do not see a ‘mindfulness’ problem. They see a leadership problem; when those in charge are erratic, emotional or stressed when they need to be calm, present and focused. They do indeed need to be ‘mindful’. Trouble is, some of the ways to achieve a mindful state, such as m …

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Balancing Your Body And Mind Makes Your Brain Happy

By Silvia Damiano on 21 September 2017


When you think of balance, you might think of an acrobat on a tightrope. Or maybe you think of exactly the right amount of creamer or flavour in your coffee. In our work, when we talk about balance, we refer to the series of actions and attitudes that keep your brain performing at its …

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From Capitalism To Talentism - Embracing A New Era Of Leadership

By Silvia Damiano on 19 September 2017


Leaders can no longer rule via checklists or use fear and unquestioning compliance to push their subordinates around. Employees expect and, increasingly, demand more. In our fast-paced, technological world, effective leaders must instead become a creative force. This gives people the …

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From Science Fiction To Reality

By Silvia Damiano on 14 September 2017


While movies and books tend to vilify them, robots are not inherently evil. They aren’t inherently anything—it’s humans who create them and make them what they are.

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