Katie Hancock

Katie Hancock

Katie Hancock has over fifteen years’ experience delivering strategic HR solutions to clients in the private and public sectors in Canberra, Sydney and the UK. Katie has degrees in science and psychology.

Katie is passionate about helping leaders understand how the state of their brain impacts on their own health and performance, and on the performance and health of their teams.

Posts by Katie Hancock

Stronger After The Storm

by Katie Hancock on 18 April 2017


My name is Katie Hancock I am a 40 year old mother of two beautiful, crazy boys, I have two degrees, in Science and Psychology, and I am part way through a Masters of Neuroscience. I have over 15 years experience in strategic HR, 7 years at management level, and in October 2015 I suff …

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Facing The Darkness To Discover The Light

by Katie Hancock on 4 November 2016


Hi, my name is Katie Hancock I am a 40 year old mother of two beautiful, crazy boys, I have a wonderful network of family and friends and I am a successful HR leader. I am also a keen basketballer who has retired many times, in fact I have probably had more comebacks than John Farnham …

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