Joanne Keen

Joanne Keen

Jo Keen is a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, leader, mentor and coach. She is also a well respected senior executive and lawyer having been a General Counsel of one of Australia’s largest energy companies. She is also a not for profit director and currently sits on the Board of Australian Sailing.

As an engaging and inspiring storyteller, Jo has a unique ability to enable us all to see the unique talents and qualities which lie within each of us and helps us to recognise that we all are more than capable of overcoming adversity and achieving the impossible, provided that we simply believe in ourselves and look for strength from within.

Posts by Joanne Keen

Shining Bright

By Joanne Keen on 25 April 2017


There is a wonderful phrase in Zulu “Sawubona” meaning “I see you, the true you.” Far too often, the first things that we see in the mirror are all the things that we aren’t as to all the things that we are, all the things that we haven’t achieved as to all the things that we have, al …

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