Angus Swainson

Angus Swainson

I'm passionate about making the world of work a more creative, happier place to be. Having had time in different roles across a wide range of organisations, I have experienced many different leadership and management styles. I have seen a lot of what the world of work can throw at people, and just how important people are to every business. If your people are stressed, overloaded, confused about where they fit in or where your business is going, then I am here to help. I offer coaching, team development, leadership development and strategy development. My broad experience has enabled me to absorb multiple different ways of tackling problems and unlocking opportunities. I believe that we do our best work when we are happier and our creativity is unleashed. Say goodbye to the daily grind! If you are stuck, please get in touch.

Posts by Angus Swainson

Showing Up How We Show Up - Deeper Insights From Using the i4 Neuroleader™ Assessment

by Angus Swainson on 13 September 2024

Showing Up How We Show Up - Deeper Insights From Using The i4 Neuroleader-Assessment-2

The pressures on modern leaders to deliver have never been greater. With the news cycle measured in milliseconds, access to information at our fingertips through mobile devices, and the integration of technology into nearly every aspect of our lives, the pace at which we expect and de …

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