Combining Mind-Body Health & Leadership In A Systematic Way

by Maggie Buchanan on 25 January 2022

When I studied neuroleadership a few years ago I was blown away by the amount of information available relating to our brains in the context of the workplace, and at the same time challenged by the complexity and how to put it in a format that could help organisations understand it an …

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How to Build Effective Teams Applying Neuroscience

by Agustina Yasielski on 19 January 2022

How to Build Effective Teams Applying Neuroscience - about my brain institute

For the most part, humans engage in a social tribe to better our chances of survival. Many of us have experienced isolation in the past few years due to Covid-19. Some people do well alone for extended periods, but many feel the need to connect to others. Even when we work on a specif …

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A New Lens To Deal With ADHD

by Flor Pedrola Baechtel on 9 January 2022

A New Lens To Deal With ADHD

There are countless times we feel like throwing in the towel and giving up, but somehow, we usually persevere and move forward.

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