When Your Brain Sabotages Your Own Adaptability

by Silvia Damiano on 17 November 2021

When Your Brain Sabotages Your Own Adaptability

Some people become very passionate and irate when their beliefs are challenged, even if the challenger is polite and has evidence supporting their stance. Neuroscience has shown that our convictions become part of the brain, so much like we instinctively protect our physical self in t …

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Was Steve Jobs Right About Connecting The Dots?

by Relmi Damiano on 10 November 2021

Was Steve Jobs right about connecting the dots?

Our brains are exposed to about 34 gigabytes of information per day.1 Some of these experiences, memories, or ideas are inevitably lost forever in the vaults of our minds, but some of these moments do leave a real memory that we can recall at will. Think of these moments, the ones we …

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How To Maintain A Healthy Brain

by Ricardo González Escobar on 1 November 2021

How To Maintain A Healthy Brain

Are you always busy and never take the time to relax? Do you take care of your body and physical condition even when you are feeling overworked? Are you lacking energy and vitality? Can you eliminate distractions and focus? These are just some of the questions I ask my clients when ta …

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