A Brain-Friendly Brain in a World of AI

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 9 July 2020

A Brain-Friendly Brain in a World of AI

Technology is changing our world in an exponential way. And within technology, Artificial Intelligence is one of the fields that generates and has generated higher expectations. In fact, it is said that we are the last generation in history smarter than machines.

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Your Phone Is Rotting Your Brain--Give It A Break Now And Then

by Relmi Damiano on 2 July 2020

Your Phone Is Rotting Your Brain--Give It A Break Now And Then - About my Brain Institute

An old photo from decades ago has become a popular meme, and it shows people each with a newspaper up, almost as a sort of shield against talking to others. It is usually captioned with something like ‘technology is making us antisocial’.

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