How Meditation And Yoga Can Positively Impact Your Brain

by Relmi Damiano on 18 June 2020

How Meditation And Yoga Can Positively Impact Your Brain

How often do people take time to pause? The pace of our increasingly digital lives is often fast and furious, and decisions sometimes have to be made in a split second. Are we doing ourselves an injustice, however, by living life at such a break-neck pace? How can our brains possible …

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Inequality Starts In Our Brains

by Silvia Damiano on 8 June 2020

Inequality Starts In Our Brains - About my Brain Institute

I am sad. Yes, I am. Seeing the disruption at all levels is sad for many people around the globe, particularly for those whose family or friends have been beaten up or have died. The more I witness what’s happening and observe how language alone can fuel extreme emotions, the more I b …

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The Profound Effects Of Nature On Our Brain Health

by Relmi Damiano on 4 June 2020

The Profound Effects Of Nature On Our Brain Health - About my Brain Institute

One resource that is often overlooked in the discussion regarding brain health is nature. Nature includes all the aspects of the physical world around us that are not human-made, such as plants, animals and landscapes. Research proves how beneficial spending time in nature is for us, …

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