Respect Is A Cornerstone Of Leadership

by Silvia Damiano on 26 March 2020

Respect-Is-A-Cornerstone-Of-Leadership - About my Brain Institute

When you think of the word ‘respect’, what pops into your mind first? Do you think of being a child again, and showing respect to your elders? Or being kind and inviting someone to share their troubles? Or perhaps letting someone walk through a door you have opened? Respect may mean s …

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The Funding Crisis of Mental Health

by Relmi Damiano on 19 March 2020

The Funding Crisis of Mental Health - About my Brain Institute

The history of brain disorders stretches back thousands of years. People have attempted to diagnose and treat mental conditions in various manners many times in written records of the past. Unfortunately, many of these treatments, at best, did next to nothing, and at worst, resulting …

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The Virus That Has Reset Capitalism

by Juan Carlos Cubeiro on 17 March 2020

Let's do a science fiction exercise. Imagine that we are at the 51st World Economic Forum in Davos, from Tuesday to Friday of the third week of January 2021. The previous year, January 21-24, 2020, the topic was Stakeholders Capitalism. It was about moving from maximizing shareholder …

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Is It Mental Health Or Brain Health We Should Be Talking About?

by Relmi Damiano on 12 March 2020

Is It Mental Health Or Brain Health We Should Be Talking About? - About my Brain Institute

The state of mental health, and how we treat it, is alarming in much of the world. Stress, genetics, environment--all of these factors can affect mental health. However, the term “mental health” is in itself somewhat vague. Instead, we should talk about brain health & how having a …

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The Science of Why You Should Get Off The Couch And Dance

by Relmi Damiano on 5 March 2020

The Science of Why You Should Get Off The Couch And Dance - About my Brain Institute

A lot of us live sedentary lives, too connected to technology and obsessed with long working hours. We collect so much stress and unhealthy tension in our bodies and minds. When we are done with work for the day, many of us sit again in front of the TV, our phones and laptops watching …

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