An Engaging Method To Promote Brain-Friendly Cultures

by Jo Turner on 22 October 2019

An Engaging Method To Promote Brain-Friendly Cultures - About my Brain Institute

Finding a leadership and wellbeing or methodology which is supported by neuroscience is no easy task, and discovering the i4 Neuroleader Certification has helped us further develop how to turn challenges into opportunities. “Brain-Friendly” isn’t just a buzz word, it’s how we should s …

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4 Ways To Improve Your Interactions With Others

by Silvia Damiano on 15 October 2019

4 Ways To Improve Your Interactions With Others - About my Brain Institute

Have you ever read about an organisation and felt a little (or maybe a lot) of envy? Have you wondered how they could accomplish such great things, and how they find and retain quality employees? While there can admittedly be some competition in business, there’s also often a sense of …

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Balancing Wellbeing and Leadership Using The i4 Neuroleader Model

by Jessica Stratford on 8 October 2019

Balancing Wellbeing And Leadership Using The i4 Neuroleader Model - About my Brain Institute

As a leadership coach and a health and wellbeing kinesiologist, I’ve found these roles haven’t been integrated into mainstream leadership circles yet. With the rise of wellbeing-related issues in the general community, this integration is where my interest lies in supporting organisat …

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Do You Have The Courage To Put Aside Your Electronics?

by Silvia Damiano on 1 October 2019

Do-You-Have-The-Courage-To-Put-Aside-Your-Electronics - About my Brain Institute

Our brains are marvellous creations. We have the capacity to create, invent, build and love. But, our brains are easily distracted. What happens when you hang a shiny or noise toy in front of a baby? The baby inevitably tries to grab it. Unfortunately, our electronic devices are becom …

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