Are You Agile Enough To Handle The Lemons In Life?

by Silvia Damiano on 17 September 2019

Are You Agile Enough To Handle The Lemons In Life? - About my Brain Institute

Sometimes it seems like the sun will never shine again, or that the rain will never end. Sometimes everything seems to go wrong, even the little things. Or, no matter how hard you try, it just isn’t enough. Everyone, no matter how famous or wealthy or beautiful you are, faces times li …

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Featured In ‘The 100% Human At Work’ Virgin Unite Initiative & Awarded Finalist in AITD’s Best Leadership Programs

by Press Room on 10 September 2019


A couple of years ago, Virgin Unite (the “entrepreneurial foundation” of Richard Branson’s Virgin Group) launched the ‘100% Human at Work Initiative’ because they believe the time has come for business to start thinking of people as human beings and not as resources.

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4 Reasons An Art Gallery Can Improve Workplace Mental Health

by Silvia Damiano on 3 September 2019

4 Reasons An Art Gallery Can Improve Workplace Mental Health - About my Brain Institute

When you think of art, what do you think of? Do you hear the soaring notes of Mozart in your head? Or see the enigmatic smile of Mona Lisa? Or perhaps it’s the majestic curves of the Sydney Opera House that come to mind. There are many types of art to appreciate, but when was the last …

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