Keeping Your Glass At Least Half Full

by Ricardo González Escobar on 20 August 2019

Keeping Your Glass At Least Half Full - About my Brain Institute

It’s easy to be pessimistic. It’s easy to watch or read the news and see all the worrisome, sad or even horrendous things happening in our world. While a “feel-good” story might be thrown in for good effect, why not limit bad or negative news and instead focus on all the wonderful thi …

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A Leadership Model That Fits Mine

by Helen Fitness on 13 August 2019

A Leadership Model That Fits Mine - About my Brain Institute

So much of today’s business leadership remains stuck in a fear-based Industrial Age model of “Command and Control.” It’s a model developed in the days when production lines required military-style leadership to stay productive. I’ve experienced it in my own corporate career and rebell …

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A Dose of Nature Each Day Keeps the Doctor Away

by Silvia Damiano on 6 August 2019

A Dose of Nature Each Day Keeps the Doctor Away - About my Brain Institute

Being outside is necessary for good overall health. When we commune with nature, body processes change, including how our brain, heart and gut function. For people living in an urban jungle, surrounded by glass, asphalt and concrete, the impact of abstaining from nature can be profoun …

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