4 Ways You Can Become a More Generous Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 28 May 2019

4 Ways You Can Become A More Generous Leader- About my Brain Institute

Everyone tends to focus on things that must be accomplished. Tasks at work, errands to complete before heading home, or emails and reports to read or write fill up our days, and sometimes nights, too. It’s easy to lose sight of other aspects of our life, such as generosity and compass …

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Print Isn’t Dead! Why Reading Print is Good for Your Brain

by Silvia Damiano on 23 May 2019


In Ray Bradbury’s story Fahrenheit 451, books are outlawed, and any that are found are promptly burned. When asked where he got his inspiration for the story, Bradbury stated the book was a commentary on how media (he was referring to television, but the Internet now has even compound …

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Employee Experience: The First Step Towards A Superb Customer Experience

by Silvia Damiano on 21 May 2019

Employee-Experience-The-First-Step-Towards-A-Superb-Customer-Experience - About my Brain Institute

Harry Gordon Selfridge, the founder of Selfridges department stores in London, is believed to have coined the phrase “the customer is always right”. Businesses that follow the adage are likely looking to convince clients and customers they will get great service and to persuade employ …

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The Power of Music for an Agile Mind

by Silvia Damiano on 16 May 2019

The-Power-of-Music-for-an-Agile-Mind - About my Brain Institute

Some people hear music all around them, all day long. Music is often more than lyrical notes; it can be the chirping of birds on a morning walk, the thump of a dog’s tail against the porch, or the mechanical beeps and whirring normal in a city. Instead of waking up and smelling the co …

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4 Tips to Improve Your Communication Skills

by Silvia Damiano on 14 May 2019

4-Tips-to-Improve-Your-Communication-Skills- About my Brain Institute

Even though we may wish it were so, leaders do not exist in a vacuum, isolated and separated from others. Instead, leaders are expected to collaborate with people from around the world, crossing cultural and language barriers. Communication skills are no longer a “soft” skill, but rat …

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Why Reading is Such a Good Workout for the Brain

by Silvia Damiano on 9 May 2019

Why-Reading-is-Such-a-Good-Workout-for-the-Brain - About my Brain Institute

You probably read things all day long. Reports, emails, news articles, research--some or all of these likely cross your desk (or computer). But, do you take the time to indulge your curiosity and read fiction? To read for fun?

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Biohacking Your Body for Better Sleep

by Silvia Damiano on 7 May 2019

Biohacking-Your-Body-for-Better-Sleep - About my Brain Institute

The term “biohacking” may bring nefarious images to your mind, such as criminals sneaking around trying to take over your body. While this notion may be dangerous and even a little seductive, in reality, wellness coaches mean something else entirely. Biohacking means optimising your t …

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4 Methods to Increase Your Influence with Others

by Silvia Damiano on 2 May 2019

4-Methods-to-Increase-Your-Influence-with-Others- About my Brain Institute

One single person cannot successfully run a large organisation. Delegating responsibility, influencing others and managing time and resources wisely are required to be an agile, effective leader. The art of influencing others can be extremely nuanced and personal, and leaders who stri …

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