Bon Appétit! Cook For Your Friends To Relax Your Brain

by Silvia Damiano on 25 April 2019

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After a long day’s work, spending an evening with friends is an excellent way to unwind, relax, and let your brain have a respite. Pleasant conversation, tasty food, and a nice beverage allow the mind to stop worrying about work or other problems and instead focus on the present. What …

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4 Tips To Bring Back Your Balance

by Silvia Damiano on 23 April 2019

4-Tips-To-Bring-Back-Your-Balance- About my Brain Institute

For many, balance means the tightrope tricks needed to properly invest time into work and personal endeavours. However, the idea of balance extends to how we prepare our minds and bodies to perform at their best, not only at work but also with our friends and family. The ideal balance …

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4 Tips to Revamp Your Attitude for Success

by Silvia Damiano on 18 April 2019

4-Tips-to-Revamp-Your-Attitude-for-Success- About my Brain Institute

The prevailing attitude in the workplace can create the conditions needed for innovative growth, or it can lead to a toxic environment where new ideas are unwelcome. The willingness to embrace doing things in a new way and adopting a positive mindset in regards to experimentation are …

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Positive People Help You Increase Your Performance

by Silvia Damiano on 16 April 2019

Positive-People-Help-You-Increase-Your-Performance - About my Brain Institute

Life has a funny way of connecting human beings. It could be chance encounters at a coffee shop, camaraderie in a computer game, or an interaction at a convention. We meet all types of people in our daily lives, but some people aren’t good people to spend time with. How can we mingle …

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3 Ways To Become A More Adaptable Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 11 April 2019

3-Ways-To-Become-A-More-Adaptable-Leader- About my Brain Institute

Humans tend to be creatures of habit. Repetition means there are no surprises or dangers lurking in the shadows. Certain parts of the brain, including the basal ganglia, are responsible for repetitive behaviours. Breaking free of the daily routine is necessary, however, to be a more a …

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How Can Human Innovation Thrive in the Era of AI?

by Silvia Damiano on 9 April 2019

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Human innovation is what sets us apart from other species on the Earth. This ingenuity has allowed us to progress from living in caves to living in cities sprawled across the world, and even to a presence in space. The notion that artificial intelligence will supplant human innovation …

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5 Ways to Become More Courageous

by Silvia Damiano on 4 April 2019

5-Ways-to-Become-More-Courageous- About my Brain Institute

The idea of courage can mean different things to different people. For some, it means leaving a relationship that isn’t working out. For others, it means quitting a job to follow a dream. While courage can mean many things, one central theme unites us all--being courageous sets us fre …

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Afraid Of Change? How To Maintain An Agile and Mindful Workforce

by Silvia Damiano on 2 April 2019


When we think of special forces teams in the military, we often think of agile teams ready to quickly address issues to ensure a successful mission. However, these highly trained units typically include cross-functional experts and no officers. These teams make on-the-ground decisions …

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