Finding The Passion To Successfully Lead In The Imagination Age

by Silvia Damiano on 28 August 2018

Finding-the-Passion-to-Successfully-Lead-in-the-Imagination-Age - About my Brain Institute

The narrow-minded focus that was so prevalent in past generations regarding leadership has gradually given way, partially in thanks to neuroscience and a better understanding of the human psyche, to a new type of leadership. Passion helps drive and inspire people to create and innovat …

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4 Methods To Support Innovation In the Workplace

by Silvia Damiano on 23 August 2018

4-Methods-To-Support-Innovation-In-the-Workplace- About my Brain Institute

Developing superior skills of innovation is crucial for today’s leaders, requiring imagination and creativity to piece together the big picture. New ideas are constantly needed to respond to the global business economy. To truly be innovative, the brain must be receptive to new though …

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Reconnect With Yourself In A VUCA World

by Silvia Damiano on 21 August 2018

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The term VUCA stands for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. First introduced by the U.S. Army War College after the Cold War, it’s now used broadly and even in the business world. A VUCA business environment is not conducive to creativity and innovation, but leaders c …

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Who Is The Taskmaster - You Or Your Addictions?

by Silvia Damiano on 16 August 2018

Who-Is-The-Taskmaster---You-Or-Your-Addictions- About my Brain Institute

For many, addictions are taboo, and they aren’t spoken about. Alcoholism, drug abuse, eating disorders, gambling, working too much. All of these can negatively impact a person’s life and affect their ability to lead. Addictions can even alter someone’s ethical convictions. Facing an a …

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Are You Evolving With The Times?

by Silvia Damiano on 14 August 2018

Are-You-Evolving-With-The-Times - About my Brain Institute

Thirty years ago, a leader or manager might have walked into a room, clipboard and hard hat ready. This person, likely a male, would have outlined the tasks for the day, without much regard for the emotions that may have been present. In today’s Imagination Age, this type of leadershi …

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5 Strategies To Master The Art Of Collaboration

by Silvia Damiano on 9 August 2018

5-Strategies-To-Master-The-Art-Of-Collaboration- About my Brain Institute

Bringing people together from different cultures with varying languages, points of views, and experiences can be challenging for even the most skilled leaders. To succeed, leaders must master the art of collaboration, connecting people from all walks of life into networks working toge …

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Your Heart Is Smarter Than A Dumb Pump

by Silvia Damiano on 7 August 2018

About My Brain Institute-Your-Heart-is-Smarter-than-a-Dumb-Pump

While the brain often gets all the glory, other organs are important from an intelligence and emotional standpoint. The human heart has long been misunderstand. Now science has shown that heart intelligence is a thing, and the heart is much more than a dumb pump.

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4 Ways To Add Agility To Your Leadership Toolbox

by Silvia Damiano on 2 August 2018

4-Ways-To-Add-Agility-To-Your-Leadership-Toolbox - About my Brain Institute

Typical methods for project management are very sequential. Follow one step and then the next and so on. This model is linear and straightforward for people to understand, and it’s fine to use when the user requirements and scope are fixed and everyone is on the same page. The booming …

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The ‘Make Me A Leader’ Documentary: Developing The Human Behind The Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 1 August 2018


I am one of those people who has always chosen the road less traveled. I always wondered why because I know this type of road is not generally the easiest. I think I understand the answer now. By choosing the less traveled road, I came to realise that the obstacles I found along the w …

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