We Are Finally Applying Science To Make Feedback Work!

by Lettie Dalton on 26 July 2018

We-Are-Finally-Applying-Science-To-Make-Feedback-Work! - About my Brain Institute

Over the last decade, I have taken an interest in the field of neuroscience and its development and findings. I completely agree that there is a lot that we know about the brain and about leadership that is not currently being used or put into practice, particularly in the workplace. …

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Escaping From The Prison Of Fear To Create The Life You Deserve

by Silvia Damiano on 24 July 2018

Escaping-From-The-Prison-Of-Fear-To-Create-The-Life-You-Deserve - About my Brain Institute

Most people know all too well the feeling of paralyzing fear. The moment when the heart pounds, breathing is harsh and heavy, and the muscles seem frozen or poised to take flight. For some, this response can have a profound negative impact on daily life. But, there is hope, and it is …

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4 Tips To Improve Performance In Your Personal & Professional Life

by Silvia Damiano on 19 July 2018

4-Tips-to-Improve-Performance-in-Your-Personal-and-Professional-Life - About my Brain Institute

The very notion of performance can have multiple meanings. Performing in the corporate sense is certainly important, but flourishing mentally and physically allows for optimal leadership while also increasing general wellbeing. The daily grind is called a grind for a reason, and even …

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Are Your Cogs Working Properly?

by Silvia Damiano on 17 July 2018

Are-Your-Cogs-Working-Properly - About my Brain Institute

Physical health is often promoted and encouraged, from ads in social media to scientific articles that tout the many benefits. While physical fitness is essential, mental health is equally as important. A healthy brain is a machine with lots of parts, and all these parts are required …

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Future - Fit Leadership: Neuroscience of Leading Change

by Ruth Donde on 12 July 2018

Future-Fit-Leadership-Neuroscience-of-Leading-Change - About my Brain Institute

Change, revamp, adapt, transform, reorganise, restructure, refine, redeploy, diversify, offshore, transform, disrupt = change fatigue! Groan! Or not…it depends on our mindset. It is easier to get your head around change for improvement but what about when change needs to be different …

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Why You Should Be Listening To That Gut Feeling — Literally

by Silvia Damiano on 10 July 2018

Why You Should Be Listening To That Gut Feeling — Literally - About my Brain Institute

The brain is often thought of as the end-all for controlling bodily functions. But, research is now showing that other body parts, such as the heart and gastrointestinal tract, profoundly affect the mind. The lifestyles of leaders can negatively impact the gut, leading to toxic brain …

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Move Fast, Stay Upright

by Kim Ellis on 5 July 2018

Move-Fast-Stay-Upright - About my Brain Institute

Motorcycle riding is a passion for me. The passion and challenge of the weekend rides keep me focused and agile during the week. So why link motorcycle riding to agility? Riding a motorcycle uses all of your senses. You feel the elements, you shift your body to steer, your eyes scan t …

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Four Must Do’s To Be A Vital Leader

by Silvia Damiano on 3 July 2018

Four-Must-Do’s-to-Be-a-Vital-Leader - About my Brain Institute

The mind is based on physiology, and every part of the body can influence our minds. The link between the mind and body is a two-way street, and if leaders want to perform optimally, a healthy mind-body system is required. In today’s busy business environment, leaders often forget abo …

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