The Butterfly Effect And The Impact On Your Business World

by Silvia Damiano on 26 April 2018

The-Butterfly-Effect-And-The-Impact-On-Your-Business-World - About my Brain Institute

A kind word or a smile can mean so much to someone having a bad day. Just like a casual response that is tactless or cruel can crush someone. Often, actions themselves speak louder than words, and actions have the same power to lift someone up or negatively impact them.

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Learning To Balance - The Key To Productivity & Innovation

by Ron Swartch on 24 April 2018

Learning-To-Balance---The-Key-To-Productivity-&-Innovation - About my Brain Institute

Integrating neuroscience and leadership can produce the kinds of leaders that are needed in the collaborative, fast-paced business world of today. While many models and options are available, finding one that incorporates science and focuses on the whole person is key. The and will he …

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When Your Brain Is On Vacation But Your Body Is In A Meeting

by Silvia Damiano on 19 April 2018

When-Your-Brain-Is-On-Vacation-But-Your-Body-Is-In-A-Meeting - About my Brain Institute

Be present in the moment. Sometimes, that is easier said than done. Everyone’s mind wanders from time to time, but what if it happens continuously? Is a restless mind detrimental to communication and collaboration?

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A Holistic And Creative Leadership Model For A VUCA World

by Johan Barton on 17 April 2018

A-Holistic-And-Creative-Leadership-Model-For-A-VUCA-World - About my Brain Institute

It’s inevitable that most people experience some kind of burnout from working. But a leadership model that provides science-based learning in an easy to understand format can help people recover from such exhaustion. The i4 Neuroleader Model delivers an authentic, relevant skill set f …

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Falling Down The Rabbit Hole With A Purpose

by Silvia Damiano on 12 April 2018

Falling-Down-The-Rabbit-Hole-With-A-Purpose - About my Brain Institute

Fake news! This phrase has been all over various types of Internet media lately. Being able to determine real news and facts from false information is an important skill. Good leaders must assimilate massive amounts of information at times, and doing some independent research to verif …

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Lead By Example And Give A Part Of Yourself To Others

by Silvia Damiano on 10 April 2018

Lead-By-Example-And-Give-A-Part-Of-Yourself-To-Others - About my Brain Institute

As everyone hustles and bustles their way to work, home, or to complete errands, the people sitting in the shadows are often forgotten. The homeless, the hungry, the sick, the needy. They are always there, even if no one acknowledges them. In this modern era, it is time to stop lettin …

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Are Your Leadership Abilities Good Enough To Juggle It All?

by Silvia Damiano on 5 April 2018

Are-Your-Leadership-Abilities-Good-Enough-To-Juggle-It-All- About my Brain Institute

Juggling requires coordination, concentration, and a great deal of practice. Many people feel like they are doing a juggling act when they try to balance work, family and social obligations. What if it were possible to increase performance, balance your life and improve leadership ski …

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Get Out Of The Shadows And Spotlight Your Leadership Skills

by Silvia Damiano on 3 April 2018

Get-Out-Of-The-Shadows-And-Spotlight-Your-Leadership-Skills - About my Brain Institute

Leaders are often expected to assume many roles. They have to be peacekeepers, excellent managers, and well-spoken. But these skills don’t always come naturally to everyone. An acting skills course, for example, could be just what a leader needs, to go from good to great.

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