What Path Are You On?

by Bernadette McClelland on 28 March 2017


We could almost hear the screech of life putting on the brakes, we could just about see the skid marks of opportunity pull up short before our eyes and we knew that what had been our normal would never be normal again. Life has a habit of doing that to us, doesn’t it?

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i4 Tales At Vivid Ideas 2017: Developing A Resilient Brain

by Silvia Damiano on 21 March 2017


The Vivid Sydney Festival of Lights, Music & Ideas is a fantastic annual event, that showcases a variety of conferences, workshops, concerts, exhibitions and light-filled artistic interactive experiences. It can completely fill up your diary in the winter month of June, if you are …

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A New Sun Always Rises

by Silvia Damiano on 16 March 2017


Technology is inevitably pushing us closer and closer to working with robotic coworkers. How this transition from an all human workforce to a blend of people and machines will proceed is unclear. It is also unclear what impact robotic workers will have in a variety of professions, and …

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Topics: Our News

Can I Have Your Slides, Please?

by Silvia Damiano on 16 March 2017


If you have been in leadership development for more than a decade or so, you have likely noticed an influx of people wanting to join the ranks of this expansive profession.

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