Bringing Out The Greatness In Others

by Mark Hodgson on 30 March 2016

Bringing-Out-The-Greatness-In-Others- About-my-Brain-Institute

My favourite definition of leadership is: “The role of a leader is to bring out greatness in others.” I was sad to learn of the recent death of George Martin. A gifted musician, producer and composer, Martin was better known to many as ‘the Fifth Beatle’. If anyone could lay claim to …

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Finding Your Creative Flow

by Matt Jackson on 24 March 2016


This story is my gift to you based on what I have discovered about my relationship with Flo (short for flow not Florence).

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i4 Tales At Vivid Ideas 2016: The Neuroscience Of Creative Thinking

by Silvia Damiano on 17 March 2016

In a world where ideas and people’s thinking is what’s adding value to the economy, demystifying creativity and understanding what happens in the brain when we daydream, imagine new things or experience ‘eureka’ moments has become more important than ever.

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Re-thinking What Winning Looks Like By Mastering Collaboration

by Mark Hodgson on 11 March 2016


Collaboration is one of those bingo buzz-words that gets tossed around organisations like confetti. It implies ‘teamwork’ and that ‘we’re all in it together’... Which of course is how it should be – it is just rarely true.

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Why A Brain-Friendly Immersion Will Benefit Not Just Your Professional But Also Your Private Life

by The About my Brain Institute on 10 March 2016


Going “on retreat” might conjure up images of tie-dye, tree hugging, vegan diets and chanting. But when it’s backed by science and aimed at leadership professionals, consultants, HR managers and creatives, you know you’re in for something a little different.

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Love, Fear And Indulgence! What Showed Up For Me At The i4 Live Retreat Program

by Lisa Gorman on 8 March 2016


It had been a really fabulous experience of doing it well; a spectacular venue, delicious food, content to satisfy any thirst, variety (pace, people, music, weather!), emotional connection, creative expression, cognitive challenges, genuine service and heart-felt discussions.

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