How To Create Gender Equality In Leadership—Stop Talking About It!

by Matthew Galik on 21 August 2014


The issue of equality in leadership—whether centered on gender or race, has been widely discussed in the U.S. media, including the pages of the About my Brain blog and my own LinkedIn page.

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Lucy – Flirting With Reality?

by Kaushik Ram on 13 August 2014


The recent movie – Lucy invites a Paradigm shift. The movie dwells on some neuroscientifcally bewildering possibilities.

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The i4 Neuroleader - Effective Leadership For The Demands Of A 21st Century Workplace

by Matthew Galik on 3 August 2014


Last week, About my Brain's i4 Neuroleader Model was the featured topic of Juan Carlos Cubeiro's leadership blog (Talking about Talent) in a story entitled 'Five Hours on Neuroleadership.' Below I have provided a summary of his post, as it contains some very important and clarifying d …

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