Strategies For Enhancing Memory In The Workplace

by Silvia Damiano on 19 September 2010

My workplace is mainly the classroom where I conduct most of the workshops on the topics of leadership and emotional intelligence. One of the challenges these days is to keep participants from dividing their attention between their mobile phones and what is going on in the room.

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Fear And Memory

by Silvia Damiano on 10 September 2010

To add to my post last week, I thought I would expand on the topic of fear and memory. To this effect, I would like to share the story I have read about Dr. Claparede, a French doctor, who in 1911, published his observations of an amnesic patient.

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Emotional Intelligence & The Limbic Brain

by The About my Brain Institute on 2 September 2010

Genos International has offered to be the major sponsor of the awards for the artists who enter the “Brain Art Competition”. Thank you Dr. Ben Palmer and the Genos team for becoming involved in this great event.

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