Think Design – With the Brain in Mind

by Silvia Damiano on 18 August 2010

Think Design – With the Brain in Mind - Billy Blue College of Design, Silvia Damiano

Last Friday, I attended the 'How to Apply' Symposium at Billy Blue College of Design. The purpose of this Symposium was to bring together design educators, industry, and business to share, exchange, and challenge ideas relating to contemporary design practice, across all design discip …

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Feeling Creative?

by Silvia Damiano on 10 August 2010

Last night I was invited together with Ralph Kerle, Executive Chairman from the Creative Leadership Forum to conduct a session on “The Creative Brain and how it works” for the Sydney Facilitators’ Network. Approximately 60 – 70 professional facilitators attended this 90 minute present …

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by Silvia Damiano on 4 August 2010

For those with an intact inner child, you may enjoy watching the short clip from the 2007 film called Ratatouille. This is the story of Remy, a rat, who dreams of becoming a chef.

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