The Value Of Being Grateful

by Silvia Damiano on 20 June 2010

Reading this thought provoking book called “The Me Myth” by Andrew Griffiths reminded me of the importance of cultivating gratitude.

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Remembering India

by Silvia Damiano on 13 June 2010

Remembering India

Putting things into perspective for busy people. More than a year ago I went on a “renewal trip”. One of my destinations was India, an exotic land full of contrasts.

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Are You A Control Freak?

by The About my Brain Institute on 1 June 2010

In his latest book “Drive” author Daniel Pink talks about the importance of giving autonomy to people to improve their engagement and performance. This concept scares many leaders in business; particularly those who have difficulty in letting go and want to control everything that cro …

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