A Good Laugh Fosters Creative Thinking

by The About my Brain Institute on 23 May 2010

Creative thinking is not only for people working in the field of arts. Anyone can be creative by developing a new way for handling customer's complaints, solving a conflict or improving a process.

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What’s The Point? The Magic Of Purpose

by Silvia Damiano on 17 May 2010

“A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for.” William Shed. Over the weekend, I have been watching Jessica Watson arriving into the Sydney Harbour in her small yacht named Pink Lady.

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by The About my Brain Institute on 13 May 2010

Over the last two days I had the pleasure of presenting a keynote speech on the "Biology of Engagement" for a telecommunications company in Sydney. One of the participants asked me about multi-tasking.

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Why An Effective Leader Needs To Provide Certainty

by Silvia Damiano on 11 May 2010

While conducting interviews and doing the research I needed for writing my book on engagement at work, it became apparent to me that several crucial ingredients are needed to being fully engaged with what we do.

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Eureka Moments

by Silvia Damiano on 6 May 2010

Being as passionate as I am for creative thinking, - a few years ago I started to notice how moments of insight (or “eureka”) were occurring within me. And the more I understand them, the more I seek these moments as they are extremely energizing.

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Engage Me - Inspirational Insights For Leaders Who Want To Engage

by The About my Brain Institute on 4 May 2010

Have you ever wondered what engages people at work? Have you ever explored and shared with your boss what engages you? Are you curious to know what has changed in terms of how engagement is viewed from the perspective of neuroscience?

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